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Access control in ethereum

Can you let some nodes in ethereum network have only view access while others can to mine blocks and add them to blockchain? Can the miners be authorized nodes only?
Byakuya Kuchiki's user avatar
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Meta transactions on ethereum

I've been trying to implement meta transactions in my project, but I couldn't find anything, openzeppelin's documentation wouldn't work I need a tutorial from A to Z because I'm still a beginner. can ...
NOUR KAROUI's user avatar
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How Do I Minimize ETH Transfer Fees?

I sent some ETH yesterday from a coin exchange to my ETH wallet. The gas limit was 21000, gas used was 21000 and the gas price was 111.608. The fee charged was approx. 0.00234 ETH, which was approx. 8%...
TnHoo19's user avatar
3 votes
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Error occurring while trying to swap tokens in Uniswap v3

I'm trying to execute a swap using web3 through following code snap: const fromTokenAddress = `0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2`; // WETH9 const toTokenAddress = `...
Pei's user avatar
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Can a contract create a transaction that may trigger a change of state on ethereum network?

I am looking at the slides of this link. As I see there the author differentiates between a message and a transaction. As can be depicted in this slide Furthermore, looking at the four cases of ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Payable Function Solidity - What is the error: The transaction has been reverted to the initial state

'm trying to make a simple transaction between two parts (Supplier and Producer). First I make the contract deploy, then I defined the amount (that will be 1) and I make the transaction ->Amount ...
LuCast's user avatar
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Send transaction with all ether (fees) - EIP 1559

I'm not sure I right understand structure of fees (EIP 1559). Because I cannot guess what will be base fee for my transaction, 'cause I will not know how much transactions will be in block (base fee ...
Mr. JE's user avatar
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What does to way multi approval transaction?

I am going to running swap transactions. At first, we are going to running an approval transaction. And then we are going to running a swap transaction. These repeat. I made the transaction data. ...
Alex Weber's user avatar
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Is it possible to link 2 public address to another one?

i've seen this in exchanges wallets. so if u transfer some coins to the address which is use for deposits even after it change, it would still link to your wallet. so i want to make a gateway for my ...
Arsiki's user avatar
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How to get Eth transfer information from ANY transaction, particuarly ones with internal "transactions"?

If I want to track ERC-20 token transfers in a transaction, even if they are the result of a smart contract execution I can just read the events. However if a transaction has a call to a smart ...
Dobit's user avatar
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Tracking origin of a transaction

I´m new to ethereum and as far as I understand you only have one address for a given ethereum wallet. So how do you make sure from whom you received any ether? To explain my problem a bit. Using ...
Michael's user avatar
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7 votes
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How do I send ETH from an account to another in Hardhat?

I am trying those methods (both) and neither worked for me: signer.sendTransaction({ to, value }); (and) provider.send("eth_sendTransaction", [{ from, to, value }]); Would be great if your ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar
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Gather funds from multiple wallets

I have many separate wallets thats all holds less or equal amount of ETH than average transaction fee. Is there any way to collect those funds besides hoping a transaction with low fee will be ...
timhok's user avatar
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Web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall Is not working

I'm creating a dapp that charges users a specific amount of eth depending on their input. Whenever I attempt to create the transaction, I specify the amount of Eth in Wei. It throws an Error with no ...
0xD1x0n's user avatar
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Understanding different network for ether transactions

I have just started learning about ethereum and trying to toy around different use-cases. I tried sending an ethereum to my wallet using ropsten ethereum faucet. Now, my understanding is this is some ...
Beginner's user avatar
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Geth send full account balance and automatically calculate gas price and costs

I'm struggling with transferring 1 ETH to an address using Geth console. I used all sorts of codes and examples I found online, but it all returns "insufficient funds for transfer" or some ...
Mark G's user avatar
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Stuck ERC-20 Transaction - reversal did not work

I tried two days ago to send some BAT and ETH to my Coinbase account from my Klever Wallet (which, after this, I will never use again - they seem to be living in 2015 with the gwei fees they charged). ...
Danny's user avatar
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i stupidily wrapped my ether to weth from metamask using uniswap,

I stupidly wrapped my ether to WETH from MetaMask using Uniswap. I then used to unwrap it but its taking so long. Here is the transaction hash ...
M Panayi's user avatar
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Does anyone know what does - Fail with error 'ERR_LIMIT_OUT' mean? Does anyone know what does - Fail with error 'ERR_LIMIT_OUT' mean? Thank you!
Derek's user avatar
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BUYING BUNNY WITH ETH.... Etherscan showing "dropped?" Don't know what to do

To preface, I'm crypto dumb except for buying /selling BTC. I don't mess with Alt coins much... and this issue is why!!!! HELP!!! So I tried to acquire some BUNNY with ETH on Uniswap. I checked it ...
nick's user avatar
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How are transactions classified that cause a smart contract to send ether to an EOA?

Let's say I send a transaction to smart contract which functions cause Ether to be send to another EOA. The Ether that the EOA receives must obliviously stem from a transaction. How would that ...
truongvu3's user avatar
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What's the difference between Binance ERC20 and Coinbase ERC20 ...?

As a newbie I made a mistake whilst transferring btc to from Binance and Coinbase. My mistake was I didn't check the receive address with Coinbase and it defaults to eth and I wanted to send btc to ...
Arif Malik's user avatar
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Transfer loan to other wallet

Say I have deposited to the y-pool at and staked the corresponding crv tokens at the gauge. Is it possible to transfer that "loan" to another wallet without unstaking?
K. N.'s user avatar
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Reduce gas costs with longer block confirmation times (like in Bitcoin)

In Bitcoin, fees tend to decrease as you target longer block confirmation times. For example, a standard transaction with 1 input and 2 outputs has a fee of approx. $3.06 for confirmation within 6 ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Is minting gas through still efficient to reduce Ethereum gas costs?

A SE user suggested using to mint gas when fees are low in order to save on gas when fees are high. However, I'm wondering if there's any benefit of doing this today. According to ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Can a transaction hash be used to identify the sender of a payment?

A user suggested using a transaction hash as a way to track user deposits (especially for ECR20 tokens): The major issue arises when you start accepting erc-20 tokens as payment, in that case when ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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What is the rationale behind lower minimum deposit & deposit fees for ECR20 Tokens vs Ethereum? [closed]

While examining the fee structure on Kraken I noticed the following peculiar pattern: Ethereum: Deposit Minimum: 0.05 ETH (approx. $61.99 at time of posting) Deposit Fee: Variable on-chain fee to ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Exchange deposits using smart contracts and externally owned accounts

While researching how different exchanges handle user deposits, I noticed a stark contrast between several prominent exchanges. Kraken: Exchanges like Kraken use newly generated deposit addresses (no ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Recover Lost Funds from Botched ETH Deposit Without Access to Private Keys?

I'm using the wei approach (4 right-most zeros) as a marker to track user deposits on my site. In short, every user on the site is told to append a custom amount of "wei" to every deposit ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Why is sending ETH from multiple accounts in a single transaction deemed a "security hole"?

A user on Ethereum SE posted the following As you noticed, there is no way to send a single from multiple addresses. There is always just one sender. For Ether transfers the Ether value is always ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Send Multiple ECR20 Tokens from a Single ETH Address in One Transaction?

Is it possible to send multiple ECR20 tokens (i.e, USDT and USDC) from a single Ethereum address (EOA) to another address (EOA) in a single transaction (either with or without a smart contract)? If ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Is 21,000 Gas Limit Fixed Only for Ethereum?

I was reading a comment on another post on Ethereum SE and found the following statement: 21,000 is for sending Ether, not anything else. The user suggested to "just set it to a large enough ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Pros & Cons of Using the "wei" Method to Track User Deposits in Ethereum

With Ethereum it's notoriously difficult to accept deposits from many users due high operational costs for making new ETH addresses. On the other hand, if all users of a service send ETH to one ...
S.O.S's user avatar
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Calculating Ethereum Gas Fees

How are gas fees calculated in account based model coins like ETH? Let's say I own 10 ETH addresses with 0 starting balance. I receive 0.1 ETH payment from 10 people - each one sending a payment of 0....
S.O.S's user avatar
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Maximum GAS price

When I launch an Ethereum transaction, I have to choose how much WEI I am able to pay for one GAS. This is a "bid" concept: If my transaction is very important and if I want to run it ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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How to find out what happened with a contract transaction

I have a question regarding one transaction which happened at the 17th of January 2018: It should be ...
Peleke's user avatar
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Trying first transfer contract in solidity

So i´ve been experimenting with Solidity and Remix and i wanted to and a simple while loop to the .transfer and .balance method. While being able to deploy the contract, I can´t seem to be able to ...
GreyShadow94's user avatar
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what is the cheapest way for sending ethereum from 10 account addresses to 10 account addresses?

What is the cheapest way to send ether to 10 addresses? By using smart contract or using externally owned account to send one by one...? I know that the gas limit of a normal transaction is 21,000......
shaban's user avatar
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What is mined? Transaction or block?

Until today, I thought the transactions are just gathered until big enough to construct a block. Once it is constructed, the ethereum miner will race to find a secret nonce, and the block will be ...
Emrah's user avatar
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How to get the type of transaction (Send/Receive/Approve/Swap) and the ERC20 tokens involved in that transaction?

I', getting to know the Ethereum technology (so rookie level). By far, with the free APIs (,, coingecko) I have been able to build a "watch wallet". It looks like ...'s user avatar
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How to handle transferring ERC20 tokens (such as USDT) with delegation to pay the gas fees on behalf of users?

I am working on creating wallets and generating addresses to be provided to a number of users. I am wondering how can I enable them to transfer their ERC20 tokens(such as USDT) without having any Eth ...
Armin's user avatar
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problem with sending ethers on ropsten network

I am trying to send ethers from one address to another address on the ropsten network but I get the message "undefined". Here is my code: web3.eth.getTransactionCount(account1, (error, ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Ethereum transaction with multi input and multi output like bitcoin

What happens to my wallet when I only 1000 accounts with 0.0001 ether and the tx-fee is about the same, I can't spend anything anymore?
Hamid Naghipour's user avatar
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what is parent transaction in ethereum

I am learning about ethereum, when I learn I came across a term Parent transaction Hash I would like to know regarding this
faizal munna's user avatar
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How to send ethers from multiple accounts to a single recipient?

I want to transfer 1 ETH distributed to three addresses to a single recipient address. How can I achieve this in ethers.js
Amirhosein Rajabi's user avatar
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Calculate transaction costs for storing data

I'm trying to figure out how the transaction costs are calculated for a transaction that is storing data on the Ethereum Blockchain. It seems I'm always off. Here is my way of calculating (I'm using ...
Mr. 124's user avatar
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Someone sent me ethers in multiple transactions and took away my matic tokens nd those ethers

Someone (address: 0xc18842D634A683e6Ea5392e3f9f23a6966C88371) sent me Ether in multiple transactions and took away my Matic tokens and those Ether were sent to another account(address: ...
aki abi's user avatar
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What means relay in ethereum?

What is relay in ethereum?For doing transactions, any difference? I am not sure the concept of relay, it looks like one account can pay gas for transaction on another account.
Louis's user avatar
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Why do transaction receipts not include the value of Ether transferred?

I'm writing some logic to identify the currency used in an ethereum transaction, and am wondering the following: web3.eth.getTransaction returns a value field that indicates the value transferred in ...
Joël's user avatar
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How to know weather ETH or some token like USDT is transfered in smart contract transaction

From last two weeks I am stuck on, I want to know in smart contract transaction either ETH is transfered or some token like USDT below is the JSON of transaction hash. I am working with DotNet core ...
Talha Talha's user avatar