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Questions tagged [solc]

Questions related to the compiler for Solidity: solc

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0 votes
2 answers

Issue with py-solc-x library

I don't really know what's wrong with my code or what's wrong about the way I installed and imported this library, but I just keep receiving this error and I don't really know how to handle it. I ...
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1 answer

zsh: command not found: solc (macOS Monterey)

Installed solc with this command: % pip3 install solc-select Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Requirement already satisfied: solc-select in /Users/test2/...
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1 answer

Solc installed ok but so solcjs command not found?

I'm struggling for days with this. MacOs Monterey v12.2.1 npm install -g solc works fine. then when I try to use any solcjs command, it says : zsh: command not found: solcjs print screen of what i'm ...
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1 answer

ParserError: Source file requires different compiler version

I am a beginner working on brownie using vscode related to a lottery smart contract. Please don't mind if I am doing any rookie mistakes I am still trying my best to understand it as much as I can :) ...
1 vote
2 answers

Facing an error while running "truffle compile"

I'm facing an error while running truffle compile- Error: Failed to fetch the Solidity compiler from the following locations:,
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1 answer

How to compile smart contract in react app with solc?

I used solc compiler in react app but browser is not compatible with it and gives an error after using that code; const createContract = async () => { const contract = erc1155.print(); ...
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1 answer

Solc "bin-runtime" not a command?

I can generate the .bin of a contract with solc as follows: solcjs --bin -o output contract.sol However running the following command: solcjs --bin-runtime -o output contract.sol Generates the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot deploy contract

I'm having difficulty deploying a solc-compiled contract to ganache test network using web3. package.json { "name": "smartinvoice", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", ...
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0 answers

Optimizer ExpressionJoiner Help

Hi im a newbie learning about Optimizer and Im trying to Join a function like this function fun_trigger_61() -> vloc { let ret := vloc ret := vloc ...
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1 answer

Solc-js: error "before each" hook for "deploys a contract": ReferenceError: accounts is not defined

I have just started building contracts. Kindly help me in resolving this error. Attached image of error. Lottery/contract/Lottery.sol: pragma solidity ^0.4.17; contract Lottery{ address public ...
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1 answer

SolcInstallationError: Downloaded binary would not execute, or returned unexpected output

I am attempting to do the 'brownie compile' but each time it processes I am provided with 'SolcInstallation Error' - Downloaded Library would not execute or returned unexpected output. I have gone ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I get solcjs to compile yul

I want to write a smart contract using pure Yul but I have no idea how I'm meant to configure / run solcjs to compile my yul code down to bytecode. Any pointers would be much appreciated.
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2 answers

Solc complier error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'TestToken.sol' of undefined"

I set up a contract with three files referring to Token Factory. I make a test on remix online tool, they can be successfully compiled. when I'm tring to compile them by solc module in a .js file, ...
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1 answer

Solidity solc compiler error on code Remix can compile

I am attempting to compile the following solidity code using solc in NodeJS. pragma solidity ^0.4.11; contract helloWorld { string public message; function constructor() public{ message = "...
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3 answers

Can't compile Truffle project that imports a .sol with different pragma version

I have a contract pragma solidity 0.6.12 version that imports several 0.6.12 version contracts and one pragma solidity 0.8.0. My truffle-config: compilers: { solc: { version: "^0.6.12 &...
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1 answer

verifying code deployed with web3.js

I am deploying my smart contracts using web3.js and compiling the code using solc. The contracts are deployed successfully with no issues however I am having a bit of a problem in verifying my ...
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1 answer

I have written a javascript code for compiling the solidity code but it's showing error

I was trying to compile my contract using solc compiler but it returning me some errors. I will place my solidity code along with the error that I am getting here. Please help me out to sort this ...
1 vote
2 answers

Attempting to install slither

When following these Instructions I get an Python error that I don't how to deal with. I have the following installed on my Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS. $ python3 --version Python 3.12.3 p$ pip3 --version pip ...
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0 answers

I can't get solc to work on vs code

I am trying to use "compile_source" and it doesn't work, solcx is installed and is the latest version: this is the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\Matteo\...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I use solc solidity compiler on truffle webpack?

When I try to import solc, it raises an error which says: ERROR in ./~/require-from-string/index.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'module' in 'C:\users\bisrat\Desktop\webpacksample\...
8 votes
1 answer

hardhat remappings option in configs

I know that solc can take remappings but I'm trying to force hardhat to take in my remappings.txt file each time it is compile. I've looked for a while and can't seem to find anything about that on ...
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1 answer

How to call a contract function that alters blockchain state on geth console

It should be easy, but I'm having a hard time using a simple smart contract described in the Solidity language reference called SimpleStorage. It only as one attribute, a setter and a getter, and I'm ...
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1 answer

Solidity: Error encoding arguments: Error: invalid BigNumber string

I am using this code: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0; contract Wallet { address owner; struct Data { string userEmail; uint256 ...
4 votes
1 answer

Truffle Bytecode Different from Etherscan Bytecode

I am having difficulty verifying my contract code on Etherscan using the code generated by Truffle. Using Etherscan VerifyContract V1: Truffle produced ...
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2 answers

.json files for contracts are not created

I am really new in ethereum and solidity and I am having hard time to figure out how to get the .json equivalent for contracts. I have the Campaign.sol inside the contractsFolder. The Campaign.sol ...
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2 answers

Error: missing revert data when deploying Solidity contract with ethers.js and Ganache

I'm having an issue deploying a Solidity smart contract using ethers.js and Ganache. I have a simple contract called SimpleStorage.sol: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.21; ...
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2 answers

Importing files from an "outside" folder

I am trying to import files from a relative path outside of my Truffle-project folder: import '../../../common/solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/BurnableToken.sol'; import '../../../common/solidity/...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a way to getting Remix to run offline?

Could you please help me getting Remix IDE run in an offline environment? I've researched that way from google but found no answers for it.
3 votes
1 answer

How to configure EVM in IntelliJ with Solidity plugin

There is a related question/answer from 5 years ago but back then the plugin only provided syntax highlighting. Now, I know I can compile from the solidity file opened in IntelliJ, clicking on a play/...
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1 answer

Understanding discrepancies between Etherscan deployed bytecode and locally compiled bytecode for smart contracts

I’m experiencing an issue when examining the bytecode of this smart contract 0x7c21C4Bbd63D05Fa9F788e38d14e18FC52E9557B. After locating the contract on Etherscan and viewing the contract code in the “...
0 votes
0 answers

How to get the documentation for all the methods in the smart contract when using solc --devdoc

I am running the following command to generate Developer Documentation for a smart contract in JSON format: solc --devdoc Contract.sol > doc.json The problem I am having is that some of the methods ...
12 votes
10 answers

Solc --version: command not found

I'm trying to use solc with no success. I download solc with npm install solc but when I run solc --version the console output is: command not found. If I list packages npm list I'm able to see ...
2 votes
1 answer

what is 'UnimplementedFeatureError: Not yet implemented - FixedPointType' error?

what is 'UnimplementedFeatureError: Not yet implemented - FixedPointType' error in solidity while compiling through truffle ? How to fix it ? Using solidity compiler version - 0.5.9
1 vote
1 answer

How is `soljson.js` created from Solidity repository

In the official Solidity GitHub repo, under the releases section you can download the source code, binaries and the soljson.js file. How is the file generated and is it able to be generated by ...
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0 answers

Error: processing response error

Solidity const ethers=require("ethers"); const fs=require("fs-extra"); async function main(){ // const provider=new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("...
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0 answers

solc: import defaults to cwd?

Would appreciate an explanation why the first solc call doesn't fail. # downloaded from $ ls *.sol IERC20.sol IERC20Metadata.sol # metadata ...
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1 answer

Call to view function, which returns a bytes value, got error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode

I have this test smart contract // SPDX-License-Identifier: SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE pragma solidity 0.8.26; contract TestSomething { bytes state; bytes32 state32; constructor() {} ...
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0 answers

Transaction 0x6a19aa91361ce2b93b7515962821540af2aab0ebff0fcdcb90ee252fbe64c107 is pending: true

Any insight into this? I am attempting to deploy a smart contract using Go-Ethereum but it is pending forever until my context timeout. In order to minimize the complexity I use a worthless contract. /...
2 votes
1 answer

Determine compiler used to create a given bytecode

Context The method that the solc compiler uses to set storage slots for a mapping is slightly different from how the Vyper compiler does so. In Vyper, it's keccak256(slotMapping, key), while in ...
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1 answer

ABI and BIN Files generated by solc and Etherscan verified code are not identical

I have a file that is composed of multiple imports, too much code to drop here so I will illustrate my question with a very simplified example. My compilers: $ abigen --version abigen version 1.11.7-...
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0 answers

Solc too slow compiling

The solc compiler that I'm using (0.8.21) is taking too much time to compile. It's compiling 20 files for a foundry test campaign in ~90 seconds when it should be milliseconds. Any ideas on what I ...
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1 answer

Abigen from flattened contract files

I have a file that is composed of 5 imports, too much code to drop here so I will illustrate my question with a very simplified example. My Test.sol file: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma ...
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0 answers

Solidity smart contract not compiling in python

I am trying to use the following to compile and deploy a smart contract. The last line comes with the error mentioned below. from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider from solcx import compile_files, ...
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1 answer

Accidentally removed "/usr/bin/solc" after installation, now no command work

Unfortunatly, meanwhile I was trying to get the latest solidity version, i deleted the /usr/bin/solc folder, and now I can non longer run any script (i.e. solc --version or --help) Can someone help ...
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1 answer

Brownie <> SolcInstallationError, I've tried everything I can find -- nothing has worked!

Everytime I try brownie compile I see this: SolcInstallationError: Downloaded binary would not execute, or returned unexpected output. If this issue persists, you can try to compile from source code ...
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1 answer

Getting different binary for the same Solidity source code compiling with solc and Remix

I'm noticing a difference in the binary generated using the same solc compiler in local and with Remix. Here's the source code: pragma solidity 0.8.20; contract HelloWorld {} I compiled it in local ...
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1 answer

How to know the default evm version of a specific version of solc

I have multiple versions of solc installed ❯ asdf list solidity 0.4.24 *0.8.23 latest solc includes the default evm version in the help output: ❯ solc --version && solc --help|grep evm ...
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0 answers

incompatible Solidity versions

I am trying to compile the code with multiple solidity versions e.g. =0.7.6, =0.8.15 etc in foundry with the configuration of auto_detect_solc but still getting this error Here's my foundry.toml file [...
1 vote
2 answers

Build with multiple solc versions?

My tokens and basic setup scripts are built in solidity 0.8.0 and I just downloaded GSN with OpenZeppelin because I need a platform which will fund users' few things. Now I can't compile because it ...
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4 answers

How to use Solidity solc to compile A.sol that imports B.sol file?

I know how to install solc via "npm install --save solc" then use solc.compile to compile one sol file. But now I've got A.sol file that imports B.sol file, and when I run node compile.js, no error in ...

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