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ABI and BIN Files generated by solc and Etherscan verified code are not identical

I have a file that is composed of multiple imports, too much code to drop here so I will illustrate my question with a very simplified example. My compilers: $ abigen --version abigen version 1.11.7-...
pigfox's user avatar
  • 167
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1 answer

Cannot reproduce Etherscan verified compilation for 0.6.6 contract

I'm trying to reproduce the following contract compilation on Etherscan: Runtime bytecode on-chain I can get the runtime ...
Peteris's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to verify a contract in etherscan older than 0.4.11?

It seems that the verification feature of Etherscan supports contracts written since Solidity 0.4.11. I want to verify a contract written with Solidity 0.4.8. Is this possible? I'm wondering if this ...
elopio's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to match the bytecode using the solc compiler?

Trying to do some simple sanity checks between the verified contracts on and the bytecode available on the blockchain for those contracts. I picked a random contract to test: https://...
Shawn Tabrizi's user avatar
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Compile multiple contracts

When compiling a .sol file that contains multiple contracts you get multiple binaries. How do I know which one belongs to the root contract? For example looking at etherdelta contract code I can see ...
forhas's user avatar
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Transaction remains pending on RINKEBY network

var Web3 = require('web3'); var Tx = require('ethereumjs-tx'); const fs = require('fs'); const solc = require('solc'); const generateWallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet'); var toAccount = 'TO ACCOUNT';...
Himanshu's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

what's the "Contract Creation Code" in Etherscan Verfied Contract?

what's the difference between "Contract Creation Code" in Etherscan Verfied Contract and the bytecode compiled by Solc?
Tony_Zhou's user avatar
0 votes
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Cannot verify a particular smart contract code on Etherscan with optimization enabled

I've already deployed many smart contracts to Ropsten testnet and successfully verified them in Etherscan, but today I encountered one contract which doesn't get verified through all my attempts. This ...
nikitaeverywhere's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Etherscan: How can I verify a contract with multiple imports deployed with Truffle?

When I deploy a contract with Truffle that has an import statement, and try to verify it on etherscan, my understanding is that I need to paste in the contents of the imported file. I get an error on ...
Travis Jacobs's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to get a contract verified on etherscan?

I'm having a hard time getting a contract verified on Etherscan. I deployed the contract using Ethereum Wallet, I can effectively find it on Etherscan but when I copy-paste the exact same code to the ...
Donavan Theodor's user avatar