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3 votes
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How to access non-indexed event arguments from Go types.Log?

The Go bindings have a type called Log that has the following fields type Log struct { // Consensus fields: // address of the contract that generated the event Address common.Address `...
Steven Roose's user avatar
0 votes
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EthAPI Internal LIB

I am not able to call the methods defined in from my GOLANG code. Can anyone help me about this? Regards AKM
Amit Modi's user avatar
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2 answers

Geth API Implementation. Help Required!

I am trying to make APIs in Go by using the ethapi. I need to call the below method from my golang code but i'm not able to call it. Can anyone help me? func GetAPIs (apiBackend Backend) []rpc.API
Gagan's user avatar
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Smart contract not updated with Go and NewSimulatedBackend

I'm using the smart contract SimpleStorage and try to change the value with a Go script and NewSimulatedBackend to simulate the blockchain. After deploying and execute the smart contract, the value ...
raphtv's user avatar
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The official library for work with ethereum payments

I looking for way to generate ether wallet (priv-pub pair), handle incoming transaction to that wallet and make/push to network transaction from it. How to do that via go-ethereum or pyethereum (full ...
Vassily's user avatar
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Installing swarm is giving: unrecognized import path "context" (import path does not begin with hostname)

I was getting started with Swarm. I am trying to install Swarm and am following the official tutorial for it. Being specific I ran the following commands: sudo apt install golang git curl -O https://...
Prashant Prabhakar Singh's user avatar
1 vote
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go-ethereum rpc connection via http for native dapps

For native dapps we can establish an rcp connection over IPC using conn, err := rpc.NewIPCClient("/home/karalabe/.ethereum/testnet/geth.ipc") Now what if I want to establish an rpc connection over ...
Arijoon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to access public contract storage with Go?

I have a mapping defined in a contract: mapping(bytes32=>string) public name; How can I access this in Go? abigen provides bindings for functions but not variables. This question shows how to ...
jgm's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How generate number type uint256 in Go

My smart contract has a function like this function setTest(uint256 test) returns (bool){ testNumber = test; return true; } I used these piece of code Go to create a transaction to set new ...
Gin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to access the event log by knowing the contract address (golang)?

At the moment I develope dapps that use smart contract as storage for specific data. I use abigen to generate specific go binding to my contract. If someone try change state of the contract I use ...
Юра Коломиец's user avatar
1 vote
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Local caching database for fast retrieval

I'm currently working on dApps for a private blockchain based on ethereum. While it works fine and the dApps really show the power of the blockchain it lacks the speed and versatility of a SQL ...
just_trying_stuff's user avatar
2 votes
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How to modify the gasLimit of the private block chain on the console

as the title,How to modify the "gasLimit" of the private block chain on the console?
mike's user avatar
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Frameworks or Alternatives to create smart contracts/ETH using Golang

Hi guys I'm new to smart contracts, and I'm experimenting with Ethereum. I would like to use golang in my developments so: Are there frameworks for developing smart contracts with Ethereum using go? ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Geth 1.6.1 hangs throwing "unexpected fault address" fatal error

Since upgraded to version 1.6.1, Geth node hangs form time to time (once a week) with following fatal error: fatal error: fault [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x7f6453b72c88 pc=...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
3 votes
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send a tx, json rpc, golang

I tried to send a tx via geth json rpc using the following code. But the geth rpc server response with "Invalid sender". I also tried HomesteadSigner. In that case there is no error received, but I ...
Kevin Chow's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

why did it returned null after call miner.start()

> miner.start() > null before it , I had created a account like this . user1 = eth.accounts[0] "0xb62f0bae52d153365661c4e23ab1d594484e9bef"
Mike's user avatar
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Make Android Command Not Running. (Mobile Go-Ethereum)

Planning to make some modifications to the go-ethereum mobile code,so inorder to do that need to use "make android" command which will create the geth.arr (Manual builds:
snappyBot's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to create a unique hash inside geth?

When we make a transaction call, we get the transaction hash right away. As mentioned here we could not get transaction's hash inside the contract's function. Would it be good idea to set a variable ...
alper's user avatar
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How to setup the account manager type to sign transactions in Go?

TL;DR: I've setup a private Ethereum node, and I want to send a signed transaction to it. By reading the docs I know that there's an account Manager type which can access a Wallet type which has a ...
thanos's user avatar
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ethereum-go how to get the latest block?

I've set up a private local Ethereum node with just a genesis block I made, and I have this Go code I want to run on the private local network: package main import ( "fmt" "math/...
thanos's user avatar
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Ethereum Contract Deployment [duplicate]

var greeterContract = web3.eth.contract(; I am getting this type of error on geth console: TypeError:Cannot access member 'info' of undefined at :1:41 I ...
NarraVasu's user avatar
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getTransactionByHash function is not available in the go-ethereum package

In have downloaded go-ethereum package and made the private network. I am able to make changes in the code as per my requirement and it is also working fine. However, ethereum_js.go file has the ...
userven's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to include Go code in a Solidity contract?

I've learned Solidity first and now I am learning the Go language. Throughout my learning process I am noticing that both languages are very similar. So, is it possible in future to include Go code in ...
Sig Touri's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Raw transaction data in Go

I would like to generate raw transactions in golang without any go binding and I'm wondering if there is library to dynamically encode my argument parameter using go?
rawEth's user avatar
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HELP to set up a private net with 3 nodes on the same machine or 3 different VM linux [duplicate]

i'm looking for a way to set up 3 node on a private net with Ethereum. I'm using Go as a Client . I Hope you can help me
mattew's user avatar
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Using home brew to install ethereum but it keeps returning a make error

I am using home brew to install ethereum but it keeps returning this error. Is there anyway I can fix it?
iivri  andre's user avatar
2 votes
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Create IPC Client

I just recently updated my local repo of go-ethereum to commit 8ec6ccc54d1da7bbaa87bd0b489b1778ea729c90 I previously used the IPC Client like this in my code: var client rpc.Client if len(...
MethDamon's user avatar
  • 803
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Geth 1.4.10 invalid command line parameters

I've upgraded my geth client to version 1.4.10-stable-5f55d95a (from 1.3.5) and now it won't run with the following command line arguments (the documentation is lackluster when it comes to describing ...
Sebi's user avatar
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How are addresses created if deploying a new bound contract

How exactly are the contract addresses created that are returned by the DeployNewXYZ() method a bound contracts? Is it possible that, if the method is called rapidly consecutively, the same address is ...
MethDamon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What's the best way currently to get events to a Go app that uses go-ethereum?

I have generated and used Go bindings to deploy a few contracts and that worked very well, but I see events are not implemented yet. Is this work discussed somewhere? I'd like to understand what ...
murrekatt's user avatar
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Encode method signature and parameters using Go-Ethereum

Is there any way to use the Go-Ethereum library to get the string I have to send to JSON RPC to call a contract method. I mean, Go-Ethereum comes with a CLI, so there must be some built-in functions ...
MethDamon's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to communicate with the JSON RPC server programmatically using Go?

Is there a way to interact with the JSON RPC server directly in Go? I tried the following: Starting the RPC Server with "geth --rpc" Running the following code: package main import ( "fmt" ...
MethDamon's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

What is the merit of creating new smart contract languages like Solidity instead of using other languages?

What is the pros and cons of creating new languages like Solidity for smart contracts instead of using other computer languages like Golang or Python?
Satoshi Nakanishi's user avatar
3 votes
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Dangling hash node ref: too many open files

I'm running two supernodes with the geth client. At peak times they have 500-800 connections and handle around 16GB traffic per hour. This is how I run the node: geth --networkid "1" --identity "...
q9f's user avatar
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Are there Ethereum API wrappers?

I'm looking into developing some Go software on Ethereum and I'm wondering - are there any API wrappers around for Ethereum (something like BTCSuite's BTCRPCClient is for Bitcoin)? I know there is a ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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