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Could Insufficient Funds error mean the signature is incorrect? - using golang and raw transactions

I want to sign a transaction "offline" without using crypto.sign. The code looks like the following: unsignedTx := types.NewTransaction(nonce, to, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice, nil) networkID ...
Jorge Alvarado's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Decode transaction inputs with go-ethereum

When making a contract transaction using go-ethereum (golang) how can I decode the transaction inputs. Specifically Given a tx.Data []byte , the contract's contractABI abi.ABI and the method that ...
Nico Vergauwen's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Given a RAW Transaction - how to get senders address

Is it possible to get the senders address using golang when all you have is the raw transaction string. I can decode it and get the nonce, hash, to etc as these are all exported functions from the ...
Kravitz's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Decode raw transaction

How can I decode a raw transaction using Go / go-ethereum ? There is no method/function to read the raw bytes or the hex into a transaction ...
Books's user avatar
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send a tx, json rpc, golang

I tried to send a tx via geth json rpc using the following code. But the geth rpc server response with "Invalid sender". I also tried HomesteadSigner. In that case there is no error received, but I ...
Kevin Chow's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Raw transaction data in Go

I would like to generate raw transactions in golang without any go binding and I'm wondering if there is library to dynamically encode my argument parameter using go?
rawEth's user avatar
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