The go-ethereum package provides a common.LeftPadBytes
function for left padding values for solidity. You'd use this to pad to 32 bytes which is the word size the EVM uses.
Here's a full example of how to manually construct the transaction data for transferring an ERC-20 token which should give you an good idea (from the Ethereum Development with Go book).
package main
import (
func main() {
client, err := ethclient.Dial("")
if err != nil {
privateKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA("fad9c8855b740a0b7ed4c221dbad0f33a83a49cad6b3fe8d5817ac83d38b6a19")
if err != nil {
publicKey := privateKey.Public()
publicKeyECDSA, ok := publicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
if !ok {
log.Fatal("error casting public key to ECDSA")
fromAddress := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(*publicKeyECDSA)
nonce, err := client.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), fromAddress)
if err != nil {
value := big.NewInt(0) // in wei (0 eth)
gasLimit := uint64(2000000) // in units
gasPrice, err := client.SuggestGasPrice(context.Background())
if err != nil {
toAddress := common.HexToAddress("0x4592d8f8d7b001e72cb26a73e4fa1806a51ac79d")
tokenAddress := common.HexToAddress("0x28b149020d2152179873ec60bed6bf7cd705775d")
transferFnSignature := []byte("transfer(address,uint256)")
hash := sha3.NewKeccak256()
methodID := hash.Sum(nil)[:4]
fmt.Println(hexutil.Encode(methodID)) // 0xa9059cbb
paddedAddress := common.LeftPadBytes(toAddress.Bytes(), 32)
fmt.Println(hexutil.Encode(paddedAddress)) // 0x0000000000000000000000004592d8f8d7b001e72cb26a73e4fa1806a51ac79d
amount := new(big.Int)
amount.SetString("1000000000000000000000", 10) // 1000 tokens
paddedAmount := common.LeftPadBytes(amount.Bytes(), 32)
fmt.Println(hexutil.Encode(paddedAmount)) // 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003635c9adc5dea00000
var data []byte
data = append(data, methodID...)
data = append(data, paddedAddress...)
data = append(data, paddedAmount...)
tx := types.NewTransaction(nonce, tokenAddress, value, gasLimit, gasPrice, data)
signedTx, err := types.SignTx(tx, types.HomesteadSigner{}, privateKey)
if err != nil {
err = client.SendTransaction(context.Background(), signedTx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("tx sent: %s", signedTx.Hash().Hex()) // tx sent: 0xa56316b637a94c4cc0331c73ef26389d6c097506d581073f927275e7a6ece0bc