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bower vs web3 vs nodejs vs golang apis

What benefits does the use of following bring to my Ethereum application if I wish to interact smart contracts for sending multiple transactions, upload files on blockchain, etc.? bower web3js ...
Gagan's user avatar
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Local caching database for fast retrieval

I'm currently working on dApps for a private blockchain based on ethereum. While it works fine and the dApps really show the power of the blockchain it lacks the speed and versatility of a SQL ...
just_trying_stuff's user avatar
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why did it returned null after call miner.start()

> miner.start() > null before it , I had created a account like this . user1 = eth.accounts[0] "0xb62f0bae52d153365661c4e23ab1d594484e9bef"
Mike's user avatar
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Is it possible to include Go code in a Solidity contract?

I've learned Solidity first and now I am learning the Go language. Throughout my learning process I am noticing that both languages are very similar. So, is it possible in future to include Go code in ...
Sig Touri's user avatar
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