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EIP 1559 - Set both priority fee and max fee to the same value

:) Can someone explain to me how this is possible? I mean from EIP1559 documentation is it said that if the max_priority_fee + base_fee > max_fee then the max_priority_fee is reduced. (https://www....
Daddy's user avatar
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Issues about Peer to peer concepts

Hy every one, I'm new in this world, and i'm trying to understand deeply how blockchain works. I'm little bit confused about the peer to peer concept. How many peers have Ethereum blockchain, ...
Nadal's user avatar
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Kademlia: How does Ethereum uses node discovery protocol to avoid sybil/eclipse attacks?

I want to describe a case that's not clear to me. let's say we have 10 peer validator nodes who reach consensus and agree to store some blocks on their chain. Let's say now that a wallet wants to sync ...
Panagiotis Drakatos's user avatar
1 vote
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how to find the creation block_number for a given contract_address using

I was trying to find the creation block number using contract address , is there is a way to find creation block number when a contract address is deployed using
Kavita Joshi's user avatar
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How to get history transactions towards a batch of given smart contracts in ethereum mainnet and replay these transaction again in private chains?

I have a batch of ethereum mainnet smart contracts (about 4,000). Now I want to do some researches: Get all history transactions that are sent to these contracts in ethereum mainnet; Replay these ...
Jocelyn's user avatar
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Can my backend call a smart contract function to be executed on a certain date?

The architecture of my dapp consists of a backend (metamask + web3.js or web3.js + geth) and a smart contract that offers different services (functions). I want a function on the smart contract to run ...
Mario Roma's user avatar
1 vote
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Which component sends a transaction and which component subscribes to an event?

I am working on an ethereum project but I have some doubts. I have a backend that connects to the blockchain via web3.js. To connect to the blockchain I use a geth node. I understand that the sequence ...
EMANUEL's user avatar
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In Ethereum, is it possible for a malicious client to duplicate a coin by double executing a transaction?

Is it possible a scenario in which a malicious client executes two transactions with the same nonce of a specific account and copies and sends coins? Suppose users A, B, and C have the following ...
Hoonki's user avatar
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how miners within a mining pool execute transactions and verify blocks?

I know that solo miners have to select & execute transactions in a block and also verify the recipint block and its transactions, all by themself. However, I am not sure how this works in a mining ...
MWH's user avatar
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Which operations can change ethereum address balance?

I am writing a program that would monitor changes in balance of a set of ethereum addresses. I did the same for UTXO based coins, and the logic was pretty simple. All of the changes were directly ...
navigante's user avatar
6 votes
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Difference between ERC 20 and ERC 721 transaction receipt

I want to fetch certain transaction logs from a local ethereum node. For that, I need to identify how to differentiate between ERC 20 and ERC 721 transaction receipts. From what I saw on Etherscan, i ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Does transaction hash in Ropsten ( testnet) deprecate ever?

I want to know whether transaction hash created in testnet stay forever or after sometime it gets deleted? Like in IPFS garbage collector deletes unpinned files after two weeks. IPFS is also ...
Chidananda Nayak's user avatar
2 votes
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Can anybody Point out the Difference between Web3.eth.sendTransaction and web3.eth.signTransaction?

Do we need to sign the transaction by web3.eth.signTransaction after initiating transaction via web3.eth.sendTransaction. for example: when I do: web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accs[0], ...
MYANZIK shrestha's user avatar
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I am sending some ether from account[0] to account[1] using geth console. But the amount is not getting added to the receiving account

I tried to mine the transaction using miner.start() command, still account balance remains the same > miner.start(8) I0428 16:27:15.927553 miner/miner.go:136] Starting mining operation (CPU=8 TOT=...
user53438's user avatar
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when and who executes the ethereum transaction

Although this question is asked and answered several times, I'm still confused about who executes the ethereum transaction and when? I want to know the right answer (if possible with proof from the ...
A.Gh's user avatar
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4 answers

Contract's transaction count in a certain period

I want to determine the number of transactions of a contract in a certain period. My question is that in the transaction receipt, if we want to say that contract A has x number of transactions will ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Get time when the transaction was included in your node

Is there any way to obtain the time when you have received a transaction? I would like to know when is a Smart contract included in my node. (local testnet)
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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Retrieving transaction hash in all blocks after fast sync

I have set up an ethereum node using fast syncmode. I want to retrieve all the transaction hashes and the recipient between a range of blocks, let's say 0 - 13000. Will I be able to retrieve the ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Transaction successful but ether not transferred to destination account

I am following this article and everything works expected but ether is not getting transferred to the to account.Please find the logs below. eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0], to:eth.accounts[...
Alien's user avatar
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Problem creating my own wallet with multiple accounts

I have a local blockchain where I have deployed a contract. I want to interact with it sending multiple responses at the same time. For this propose, I cannot use Metamask to confirm each transaction. ...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
3 votes
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Monitoring Eth Transactions and Syncing Native Database transactions with Etherium Blockchain

Currently, I have a node.js application which interacts with geth through web sockets. I have a listener, web3.eth.subscribe( 'pendingTransactions', function(err, result) { if(!err) { ...
piyush pruthi's user avatar
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Interact with a contract using Web3 Wallet

I am trying to interact with a contract without a provider as Metamask/Mist. I know that web3 has an option to create a new Wallet and I have been seeing code examples about that but all of them ...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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Smart Contract execution time through Truffle

I would like to know if there is a way to obtain the smart contract execution time when you send it to the network through Truffle. Is it possible using the test tool? through an application? I know ...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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Calling contract function via web3.eth.sendTransaction doesnt work

Im learning how Blockchains work and created a private Blockchain to test some things. I deployed the following contract: contract Greeter { address creator; string greeting; ...
hadamard's user avatar
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how to automatically transfer funds in geth

I am trying to find a way how to automatically transfer funds from one address to another after new block is sealed. Scenario would look like this: 1. New block sealed 2. Check source account ...
m1k3y3's user avatar
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Getting pending transactions for a past block

I want to get historical list of pending transactions. For example, for a block number 1,000,000 is it possible to get this list? Right now I have downloaded blockchain data up to block 1,600,000 , ...
Nulik's user avatar
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What happens if already processed transaction is submitted to the network again?

I have a script that sends transactions automatically using JSON RPC API call eth_sendRawTransaction to a node that has RPC enabled. My question is, what is going to happen if I send these ...
Nulik's user avatar
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How many non-empty accounts are there?

I am researching into the statistics of Ethereum and I an looking for a datum of how many non-zero balance account currently exist in Ethereum? I know that in total 30M of accounts were created but ...
Nulik's user avatar
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What is the current size of the Ethereum State?

What is the current size of Ethereum's state in bytes? I am not asking about the size of the blockchain with blocks headers, transactions and receipts. I am looking for the size of all the structure ...
Nulik's user avatar
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How can I parse local Ethereum blockchain?

I need to parse live Ethereum blockchain to retrieve all transactions that belongs to particular smart contract's address. So my general question is how can I do it properly? My thought about it so ...
Erik's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Geth as a blockchain explorer without downloading the blockchain?

I imagine downloading the blockchain ends up being just asking for transactions and getting their states, receipts, etc. Functionally, I would hope there is a way to do that without initiating a ...
Payden K. Pringle's user avatar
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Latest Block Number 0 [duplicate]

I am running geth with this command : geth --fast --cache=512 --ws --wsorigins="*" --rpc --rpccorsdomain="*" --wsapi "db,eth.subscribe,net,ssh,miner,web3,personal,admin" --datadir /media/username/...
Farhan's user avatar
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There is a missing currency sent to the account, please be sure to confirm it [closed]

Missing Ethereum Transaction! From Poloniex to my ETH wallet this process Address: 0x9434903Dc1a16872EF1F80920CC71EE8d70d8Cf4 Txid: 0x1d5a31b99a16971c010e4c9fb2f16e2ee8a9540b1a18f4d3e505e304f76e49ad
mohammed alaamri's user avatar
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Why the maximum number of transactions in a block is 221?

I made a private network with only one node in it, then I sent 2000 transactions like so: var amount = 1; var sender = personal.listAccounts[0] var receiver = personal.listAccounts[0] for (i = 0; i ...
jiebang's user avatar
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Uncles and its parameters

Is there possible that current block do not have uncles? As we know that Main block contain the contract information , What does uncles holds ?
Gopal ojha's user avatar
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What happens to transactions in orphaned/forked blocks?

From my investigation and reading a lot about this, it seems like the transaction is just removed and the ether returns back to some address. With Bitcoin, orphaned blocks are initially accepted by ...
DeV1doR's user avatar
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What will happen when an ethereum node loss internet connection?

Will it reconnect to the ethereum network upon establishing internet connection again automatically and sync Data ? Can we perform transaction and calls on the offline(no internet connection) ...
Afzaal Ahmad's user avatar
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Log field in Transaction reciep

I want to set some data in the Log field in a transaction using Ethereum, i used in smart contract event method but i got always empty logs could anyone help me please? Thank you
MyHMEG's user avatar
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Scraping ethereum blockchain in human readable format (csv)

I wanted to scrape the whole ethereum blockchain in csv format. For this I reverse engineered and extended this code by vitalik:
Ankit Chiplunkar's user avatar
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web3.eth.filter({fromBlock:0, toBlock: 'latest', address: account}) not working?

My goal here is to list all transaction from an given account, without any success yet. I wonder why I always have an empty result when I'm using this web3.eth.filter. I know there is a valid ...
FrenchieiSverige's user avatar
5 votes
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Can I run Geth connected to public network without syncing and do a smart contract function transaction and expect it to mine?

Is there a way to run Geth connected to public Blockchain without syncing and still expect my smart contract function transaction to be mined ?? as following answer Can I run Geth without syncing? ...
siddesh sangodkar's user avatar
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what is the use of the payload field in the ethereum transaction reciept?

as seen in the following transaction reciept: what is the payload field and what is the use? how to ...
siddesh sangodkar's user avatar
2 votes
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Do you need the fully synced node before sending a transaction to the network? [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a wallet locally. I can create an externally owned account using geth that is connected to a local test chain. Now I would like to "push" that account to the real blockchain. Does ...
Gruff McGruff's user avatar
14 votes
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Why do some blocks contain no transactions?

While poking through my Geth logs I noticed that block 1,000,006 doesn't actually contain any transactions. Why is that?
Richard Horrocks's user avatar