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Kademlia: How does Ethereum uses node discovery protocol to avoid sybil/eclipse attacks?

I want to describe a case that's not clear to me. let's say we have 10 peer validator nodes who reach consensus and agree to store some blocks on their chain. Let's say now that a wallet wants to sync ...
Panagiotis Drakatos's user avatar
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Monitoring Eth Transactions and Syncing Native Database transactions with Etherium Blockchain

Currently, I have a node.js application which interacts with geth through web sockets. I have a listener, web3.eth.subscribe( 'pendingTransactions', function(err, result) { if(!err) { ...
piyush pruthi's user avatar
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How many non-empty accounts are there?

I am researching into the statistics of Ethereum and I an looking for a datum of how many non-zero balance account currently exist in Ethereum? I know that in total 30M of accounts were created but ...
Nulik's user avatar
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I am sending some ether from account[0] to account[1] using geth console. But the amount is not getting added to the receiving account

I tried to mine the transaction using miner.start() command, still account balance remains the same > miner.start(8) I0428 16:27:15.927553 miner/miner.go:136] Starting mining operation (CPU=8 TOT=...
user53438's user avatar
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How to get history transactions towards a batch of given smart contracts in ethereum mainnet and replay these transaction again in private chains?

I have a batch of ethereum mainnet smart contracts (about 4,000). Now I want to do some researches: Get all history transactions that are sent to these contracts in ethereum mainnet; Replay these ...
Jocelyn's user avatar
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Interact with a contract using Web3 Wallet

I am trying to interact with a contract without a provider as Metamask/Mist. I know that web3 has an option to create a new Wallet and I have been seeing code examples about that but all of them ...
sapiensapiens's user avatar
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How can I parse local Ethereum blockchain?

I need to parse live Ethereum blockchain to retrieve all transactions that belongs to particular smart contract's address. So my general question is how can I do it properly? My thought about it so ...
Erik's user avatar
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In Ethereum, is it possible for a malicious client to duplicate a coin by double executing a transaction?

Is it possible a scenario in which a malicious client executes two transactions with the same nonce of a specific account and copies and sends coins? Suppose users A, B, and C have the following ...
Hoonki's user avatar
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Transaction successful but ether not transferred to destination account

I am following this article and everything works expected but ether is not getting transferred to the to account.Please find the logs below. eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0], to:eth.accounts[...
Alien's user avatar
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how to automatically transfer funds in geth

I am trying to find a way how to automatically transfer funds from one address to another after new block is sealed. Scenario would look like this: 1. New block sealed 2. Check source account ...
m1k3y3's user avatar
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Why the maximum number of transactions in a block is 221?

I made a private network with only one node in it, then I sent 2000 transactions like so: var amount = 1; var sender = personal.listAccounts[0] var receiver = personal.listAccounts[0] for (i = 0; i ...
jiebang's user avatar
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