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Get ETH back from smart contract that was deployed almost a year ago

almost a year ago i fell for a contract scam and Im still confused if I CAN or cannot get the ETH back from it, its still sitting in the contract for almost 300+ days now. code used in remix that was ...
rod0x23's user avatar
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How to encode tuples when using useSingleContractMultipleData

I'm getting an error: Error: invalid tuple value (argument="tuple", value="...
RitzyDevUk's user avatar
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Two of my transactions were not completed

Two of my transactions were not completed but I was charged for them. How do I get the fees back? It's around $25.
Matin Meghdadi's user avatar
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Uniswap/Sushiswap: How to grab/calculate APY?

I am trying to understand if it is possible to use oracles or interfaces that can provide the APY of a specific protocol ERC-20. Essentially, I would like to write a smart contract that allows ...
Zeta King's user avatar
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WETH tokens burned after Single Swap

WETH is being sent to 0x000... address automatically after swapping: I just checked balanceOf on WETH ...
ㅤasdf's user avatar
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Uniswap onchain quotes for v2, v3, v4

Are there onchain (Solidity) quoters that can quote the token price for both Uniswap v2 and v3? Needed: give a token path and it can quote a price for a given input token amount. E.g. WETH->USDC, ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Problems in experience of blockchain splitwise

When I was running code of this splitwise code by using "npx hardhat run --network localhost web_app\script.js",but it answered back with the fault:"cannot find module abiDecoder",...
hh l's user avatar
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ERC-20 Token Lookup

I am looking for an ERC-20 token with only the Name (Ticker), but when I search that up on Etherscan I come up with many many options. Is there any way yo look these up by other criteria such as ...
cyptonewb's user avatar
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Failed to quote or execute swaps via universal router or v3 quoter

I am trying to do swaps via a js script, without using any uniswap sdk. I am currently trying to get a quoate via v3quoter, and i stumble across the same error that I get when I try to do swaps via ...
MasterWilliams's user avatar
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Transaction is not going through even when bundle receipt returns 1

I am trying to implement a swap feature in my app where users can swap tokens. It uses Uniswap's SwapRouterV2 to do the swap and it works perfectly. But now I am trying to implement Flashbot into it ...
Zak's user avatar
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universalRouter swapping tokens on uniswapV3

im building a simple router and i want to integrate the universal router, I'm able to make V2 swaps, but for some reason swapping tokens on a v3 pool the swap gets reverted //if msg.value is not empty ...
yahdielo's user avatar
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Why is my transaction showing as 'success' but the value is 0 ETH ($0.00)?

I am new to the bitcoin world and any help would be appreciated. Transaction hash: 0xfba22d3b6d047bbd81d25dd5d6ef3f070f57f79abeaeb4de49e7dc605ab4cb7c If I was scammed, is there any way to recuperate ...
serge larin's user avatar
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Uniswap transaction programatically

I am trying to submit a Uniswap transaction without using the Uniswap interface. I know that I can auto-sign the transaction using my private key programmatically, however I want something different: ...
Ethel's user avatar
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Why I need an RPC URL to call a view function in Solidity

hello so my question is why I should need a RPC Url while calling a view function Here is my simple code that is deployed in the localhost anvil testnet and that run successfully and there I did not ...
Debayan Ghosh's user avatar
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Permit2 Invalid Nonce when running on Hardhat

I'm writing tests for an application that is meant to perform swaps. When running with hardhat as rpc forked with the latest block of mainnet or a pinned block I always encounter this error: response =...
null's user avatar
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Web3py and Uniswap issue, transacction reverted

import json from web3 import Web3 # Set up your connection to Ethereum infura_url = '' web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(infura_url)) if not web3.is_connected(): ...
ander torregrosa's user avatar
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How to interact with the universal router

I am trying to interact with the Universal Router on the Ethereum Mainnet forking network using Hardhat.js. This is my code. describe("Swap test", () => { const [deployer] = await ...
DHC's user avatar
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Swap from Uniswap router

How to pass theese values our execute function - "Function: execute(bytes commands,bytes[] inputs,uint256 deadline)"
KeikoTaro's user avatar
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Can't add liquidity for invalid current price

Bug Description If someone added liquidity with one token for out of range price, then, others can't add liquidity later. In this case later liquidity providers can only add one token and not two ...
Bakhouche Akram's user avatar
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Logic for calculating fees in UniswapV3

In the computeSwapStep function, can feeAmount = uint256(amountRemaining) - amountIn exceed amount * fee / (1e6 - fee) in the case where sqrtRatioTargetX96 is not reached? function computeSwapStep(...
Time's user avatar
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How to get timestamp was created NFT Position?

I have a 1 NFT position (Nonfungible Position Manager) and I want get timestamp was created this NFT to convert to age time.
Trung Vu's user avatar
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Uniswap v3 Fee Distribution Issue: Unclaimed Fees in Inactive Ranges. Am I missing something?

In Uniswap v3, transaction fees are distributed based on the liquidity provided within specific price ranges. I observed an issue where the fees generated by a swap are divided by the total liquidity ...
Dingning's user avatar
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Discrepancy between Uniswap V3 liquidity ratio and USD value ratio on uniswap v3

I'm calculating liquidity for a Uniswap V3 pool and have encountered a discrepancy. I'm hoping someone can help me understand what's going on or if I'm making a mistake. The situation: I calculated ...
Sammm's user avatar
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Getting different prices for a token when trying to swap on Uniswap, wallet, others

when the pop up for the swap comes up, it shows the token you are swapping to with a price directly under it. But on the sites page, if you scroll down to the bottom right, you will see where you can ...
James Tapken's user avatar
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What determines the value of an asset in a Uniswap v3 pool if ticks in an active tick interval have zero liquidity?

I'm trying to understand by what mechanism the price is in a tick interval, the border ticks of which, as etherscan shows, have zero liquidity? Data Gathering The question arose after analyzing the ...
Keo's user avatar
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I got scammed by Robot [duplicate]

There's APP called ETH MINER ROBOT. I withdraw 0.1ETH to my Binance Account and never received it.
Musanda's user avatar
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I got scam from one pretty girl she told me invest USDT up to 5k and earn daily profit, refer this website, "" ETH-ERC_20 [duplicate]

I got scam from one pretty girl she told me invest USDT up to 5k and earn daily profit, refer this website, "" ETH-ERC_20 by using this website, and i lost my USDT 4600 recently, ...
shabi's user avatar
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Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with reason string '1inch swap failed'

Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with reason string '1inch swap failed'this error came when I run 1inch swap functions. swap code as below IAggregationRouterV6....
Bmroxx Roxx's user avatar
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Private Node Network-GoEth

i am trying to install private network of three nodes on my single laptop. i did following: install go-eth. used a medium article and followed instructions when i try to connect nodes with each other,...
Mohsin Munir's user avatar
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Webpage not getting connected to mainnet fork

I've been trying to implement a clone of uniswap using the uniswap-v3 sdk. Now to get a quote for the exchange, I tried to get the signer object using the following code import { ethers } from "...
Raaghav Manivel's user avatar
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Can someone spend native Ethereum from a signer's address using just a signature?

I'm exploring Ethereum's cryptographic features and wondering if there’s a way for someone to use a signature to spend native Ethereum (ETH) from the signer's address without directly requiring the ...
Nerses Asaturyan's user avatar
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I received ETH meta coinbase says its fake sender says its not?

So I have a coinbase wallet that received ethm. Coinbase support stated that the ethm in the wallet wasn't authentic. How can I prove it is or it isn't. The sender says it's valid, coinbase ...
Marybeth's user avatar
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Uniswap V2 Quoting using reserves - getamountout methods

I have been having abit of issue with quoting on uniswap v2 based exchanges. I am extracting the reserves and using the formula. - univ2_formula = lambda amount_in, in_lq, out_lq: (out_lqamount_in0....
Codho's user avatar
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How to solve invalid input params issue for uniswap v2 router 'addLiquidity' method

Can you tell if I am wrong about any of the arguments used for the addLiquidity. I am using wagmi and ethers. Error Caused by: InvalidInputRpcError: Missing or invalid parameters. Double check you ...
Abu Sayeed Mondal's user avatar
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Uniswap v3 unclaimed rewards calculation is off

I'm creating a statistics app for tracking my positions on uniswap. As you can see below I have 0.019 unclaimed ETH rewards. However, when I try to reproduce this in my statistics app, I get 0.016 ...
Bart van der Vliet's user avatar
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Foundry library dependency mismatch

I have a foundry project making a custom dApp. My dApp is heavily reliant on OpenZeppelin v4. I recently installed uniswapV3 perifery and core in the project however I keep getting errors: /lib/...
RitzyDevUk's user avatar
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ETH tokens sent to BNB address in Safe Wallet

Some ETH tokens have been sent to a BNB safe address in Safe Wallet. To recover them I have followed this procedure: The wallet owner of the Safe Wallet is: ...
Mxrypto's user avatar
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Some one make a fake token transfer from my friend wallet without having his PK

Now how is that possible? this guy send 65 ETH to an address but some scammers sent 65 ETH token(fake) with his ...
Vahid Rasizadeh's user avatar
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Create Deterministic address without create2

I wanna create a deterministic address in solidity without create2 bacause I'm not gonna deploy new contract. How do I do that?
seojunchian's user avatar
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calculating liquidityLockedToken amount for uniswap V3 pool

I tried to analysis pool information and I want to make a result like below. pools-uniswap I wrote the code below by referring to the uniswap sdk documentation. import JSBI from "jsbi"; ...
runRyan's user avatar
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How to custom chain to uniswap interface v3 with swap token?

I encountered an issue when customizing the chain and received the error: { "detail": ""tokenInChainId" must be one of [1, 5, 10, 56, 137, 324, 8453, 42161, 42220, 43114, ...
Trung Vu's user avatar
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Why are some UniswapV2 Pair addresses non deterministic

According to Uniswap V2 Factory, the pair address of any given pair can be calculated deterministically, as seen in the createPair function: function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) ...
Riccardo Perego's user avatar
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Uniswap Swapping

I have a problem swapping on uniswap. I want to swap token but when I select token I want to swap it says "not enough liquidity". Can anyone help me. It is quite some money in stake. Thanks.
Tomislav Babić's user avatar
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How do you get price in UniswapV3?

Seriously I'm on this for like two weeks or more and please help me I'm going crazy. I want to get the price with smart contract not js way that can be handled with sdk I know but How do I do it in my ...
seojunchian's user avatar
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Unable to Withdraw ETH from Smart Contract Bot Due to Insufficient Balance - Any Solutions? [duplicate]

I recently deployed a smart contract bot designed to perform arbitrage on Uniswap. The bot was supposed to start operating once it received a minimum of 1 ETH. Unfortunately, I mistakenly funded the ...
Rareș-Constantin Mihăilă's user avatar
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Does anyone here used uniswap sepolia?

I want to swap with usdc but dont know how. It says tokens loaded by local storage. How I'm gonna add to it? BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which ...
seojunchian's user avatar
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I exchanged scam tokens,pls help me [duplicate]

I exchanged ETH for scam coins through BYBITWEB3 on UNISWAP, now they cannot be sold on BYBITWEB3 DEFI (he writes that the contract has closed source code) and when trying to reverse exchange through ...
user139606's user avatar
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Cant learn any erc20 token price in uniswapv3

How hard can it be to learn the price of an erc20 token in terms of usdc in uniswapv3. a hint: its really hard. Any resource that you know that exactly explains how to get a price of any erc20 token ...
seojunchian's user avatar
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Burn from Uniswap Pool on BUY transaction

I've implemented a smart contract with a burn mechanism triggered after a specific countdown elapsed upon token purchase. Despite successful deployment on the Sepolia testnet and functioning buy/sell ...
SolidityNewbie's user avatar
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I am trying to create uniswap V3 pool. token0 is always 490_000_000 * 1e18 tokens , token1 is changeable , between 1 -100 WETH ( WETH is also 18 decimals) function createPool( address ...
nebula's user avatar
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