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Experimental data on transaction propagation time

Does anyone have empirical data on how long does it take to propogate a transaction thought out most of blockchain? I know we can speculate on how long it would take (like here). But I am interested ...
user2229336's user avatar
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Not able to use --testnet flag on geth windows

I have a problem where if put geth --testnet removedb it says flag provided but not defined: -testnet Im on windows 10 x64. Thanks in advance!
poggingfish's user avatar
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Listening to smart contract events RPC, using web3, on aleth node

bakcground, I am working on an ethereum based fork of cpp-ethereum/aleth node and not using the official golang client (geth), unfortunately from what I read, websocket support has been 'ditched' in ...
James Bond's user avatar
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Web3: Get token address from pair address

I am studying all listed pairs on Pancakeswap. I get the pair address from PCS_FACTORY_ADDRESS="0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73" PCS_FACTORY_ADDRESS = Web3.toChecksumAddress(...
Impaulator's user avatar
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ETH sent to contract address, how to get it back? [duplicate]

Instead of transferring my ETH token to my wallet, I accidentally sent it to some contract address, this one: 0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564. Is there any way to get my ETH back?
Davor Mazuran's user avatar
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Get smart contract info from transaction

Lets take for example this, we can see that it did not transfer any ether, it interacts with a contract (that's why there's the stamp of the contract creation/execution). Is there a way to get in go-...
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Geth send full account balance and automatically calculate gas price and costs

I'm struggling with transferring 1 ETH to an address using Geth console. I used all sorts of codes and examples I found online, but it all returns "insufficient funds for transfer" or some ...
Mark G's user avatar
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How to record every transaction forwarded to my node(geth)?

With a geth client,how can i record every transaction forwarded to me by other nodes (hash, node IP, timestamp) ,in the network layer?It does not mean I am the receiver of the transaction.I just want ...
DaJin Wei's user avatar
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How To Verify A Coin Without Original Contract Source Code?

We are new to crypto. A while ago we created a coin (3DOM coin) with 14,000,000,000 units and stored them in our wallet on We would like to deploy the token now but we do not have ...
Daftcyborg's user avatar
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Running a SPV wallet on Arduino/ESP32?

I want my ESP32 to make transactions and check for the details of blockchain using a secure method. Actually, I want to use make calls to the blockchain instead of relying on a single node. In my ...
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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Compilation Error while using ChainLink

I am using Remix IDE for my smart contract development. I am using the following import line import "
Neucleophile's user avatar
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I tried to send eth from Metamask (in balancer) but transfer is looking failed but I loss my eth(90$ around) What I should do?

I tried to send eth from Metamask but transfer is looking failed but I loss my eth(90$ around) What I should do?
Emrah Kaya's user avatar
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Simple way to send gasless Transactions

I was wondering if there is a way for a user to pay transaction fees for another user, meaning user A sign the transaction and user B send it to the network and pays the gas fees. I found a solution ...
Talo Nasr's user avatar
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pending transaction on eth blockchain

i still waiting from 4h for my transaction. I know de gwei is low but what you think it will be processed. 0xb69c181d38bcd157d07a623b5c1b620e6694644626bc1ed48e984ed089933e86
andrea's user avatar
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Ethereum NFT options

I am looking at producing a set of NFT's that are a set of 100, the item does not have an image, but is a token to run through an algorithm, I want them to be limited whole NFT's, not ERC-20s. I am ...
Mitchell Fraser's user avatar
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Question about pending transactions

I am running loads of transactions in a private POA network, even a few per seconds. The nonces are being managed by a specific service. The issue I encountered was that one sealer somehow didn't ...
3DLures's user avatar
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Can my backend call a smart contract function to be executed on a certain date?

The architecture of my dapp consists of a backend (metamask + web3.js or web3.js + geth) and a smart contract that offers different services (functions). I want a function on the smart contract to run ...
Mario Roma's user avatar
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Why do pending transactions appear to have a 3 hour cycle? (according to Etherscan data)

See: There's clearly a 3 hour periodicity of txn volume. Now, I'm aware that Geth nodes have a parameter --txpool.lifetime which is set default to 3 hours. But ...
Sasa Milic's user avatar
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Manually setting transaction fee when transacting using geth

I am using geth to transfer some ether to another account. After geth attach to my node, I just do is the following personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0]) eth.sendTransaction({from:eth.accounts[0], ...
Panos's user avatar
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Local node doesn't see that many transactions?

Just to be clear, this is for binance smart chain not eth chain. I'm running a local BSC node and I have a filter for pending transactions and this was working well as of a couple days ago, but for ...
Arian Karbasi's user avatar
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Which component sends a transaction and which component subscribes to an event?

I am working on an ethereum project but I have some doubts. I have a backend that connects to the blockchain via web3.js. To connect to the blockchain I use a geth node. I understand that the sequence ...
EMANUEL's user avatar
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Is their any change to move a wallet from an bnb blockchain to an ethereum blockchain?

I transferred some ethereum to my bnb wallet. Later I found out that this bnb wallet is not on the ethereum platform. So I send an amount of ETH to an address similar to the address of the bnb wallet (...
dennis's user avatar
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What happens when you send a non-state-changing transaction to the transaction pool

I understand that there are 2 endpoints for smart contracts. Call() for running view/pure function and SendTransaction() for state-changing transactions. Obviously a state-changing transaction sent to ...
RhinoBomb's user avatar
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A silly question about web3.eth.sign

I'm a beginner and I need to sign the data with metamask,Find the document then In the browser's debug desk ,i try run web3.eth.sign('...
Finyu's user avatar
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Is it possible to charge extra ETH fee for token transfers? [closed]

Is it possible to accumulate fee amount deducted from transfer transactions in a different address in smart contracts? Person A transfers tokens to Person B. Let's say the transaction fee is 0.1 ETH, ...
donnita's user avatar
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any 3rd party service that can get all transaction?

3rd party service recommended have any 3rd party service that can get all transaction of address? because from my research the web3 cant get the full transaction by account.
jqii's user avatar
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Txpool not executing pending transactions

here is our geth command screen geth console --rpc --rpcapi "eth,net,web3,debug,personal" --cache 8192 --allow-insecure-unlock --txpool.accountslots 4096 --txpool.accountqueue 4096 --txpool....
protonx's user avatar
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Internal Transactions - How to find out the address of the contract that is calling?

i have been Googling for this answer, but i haven`t succeeded. The scenario is the following: I have two contracts interacting with each other, and I want to make sure that they only respond to each ...
DarkWinter's user avatar
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If I want to create a Blockchain Explorer, would be enough just use Infura? Or is it essential to run a full node?

I want to create a Blockchain Explorer and I am wondering if using Infura for that would be enough, or if it would be necessary to run a private node on Ethereum. I am not sure about Infura speed to ...
Márcio's user avatar
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message: 'invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal hex string without 0x prefix into Go struct field SendTxArgs.value of type *hexutil.Big'

I am using a JSON RPC request and source code is as follows: var options ={ url: "", method: "POST", headers: {"Content-Type":"...
prodevcn's user avatar
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Encoding and signing transaction with aleth client [closed]

I am learning aleth client. I want to do two simple steps: encode json to rlp with ./rlp create [...] sign this rlp with ./aleth-key sign <ma_rlp> And I am getting errors in ./aleth-key sign &...
ADV's user avatar
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creating and signing transaction

I am looking a way to create signed transaction using c++ libs from aleth. I have this transaction: { from: "0025defd0f341b7f673f84b81c8416d58df29045", to: "...
ADV's user avatar
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Is there any c++ library for signing transactions?

I am working on light wallet in c++, and I am looking for a c++ library for signing transactions. I mean something where i will pass transaction and private key and it will return signed transaction ...
ADV's user avatar
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Using two key for displaying data from contract

i can't found any idea how to get data with two keys. One key "address", second key is "IsCollect" My mapping: mapping(address => Player) public users; struct table: ...
dkr1985's user avatar
-2 votes
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Datetime in solidity [closed]

how can i get date time in solidity like that: 14/10/2020 20:50. I don't want 8:50 PM. I get in timestamp but timestamp not possible convert because I have wrong timestamp.
chris_5's user avatar
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In Ethereum, is it possible for a malicious client to duplicate a coin by double executing a transaction?

Is it possible a scenario in which a malicious client executes two transactions with the same nonce of a specific account and copies and sends coins? Suppose users A, B, and C have the following ...
Hoonki's user avatar
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geth node not seeing pending transactions

I'm running a geth node locally on goerli network in sync mode. I use the following command to boot the node : geth --goerli --syncmode "light" My txpool never list pending transactions, ...
LostInEthWorld's user avatar
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how miners within a mining pool execute transactions and verify blocks?

I know that solo miners have to select & execute transactions in a block and also verify the recipint block and its transactions, all by themself. However, I am not sure how this works in a mining ...
MWH's user avatar
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nonce too low , please help

please help, I have 1 transaction stuck 7 days, I have sent 1 transaction with 0 ETH and nonce to the same address, to cancel the stuck transaction but all the nonce too low error
chu pika's user avatar
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Generating blocks without mining,

I have private test network, and I need to simulate forks. Is any possibility to immediately set number block fork-1 (in PoA or any other protocol) ? If yes, what is the easiest way to do it ??
SzymonZ's user avatar
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Modify Geth miner to filter which transactions include in the blocks

Where should I start if Im trying to modify the Geth client to filter transactions by sender to include only specific transactions in the mined blocks ? What files of code should I understand to do it ...
123's user avatar
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is there a way to create a ens ethereum address to be readable one using cryptography? [duplicate]

I would like to generate address which are readable to people using cryptography and supporting ethereum transactions without problems, I don't want to use ens ethereum because I will have to pay for ...
andrew007's user avatar
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Disabling nonce check for go-ethereum for a private test net when using web3js batch requests to send tx

I am using web3js batch.add and batch.execute to send tx for an ethereum private testnet that I have created. I send tx using batch.add and batch.execute (don't prefer to use promises since they ...
Deepal's user avatar
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Attach to tessera node failing

Im installed quorum with tessera but when i need to attach to any node using command $ ./ 1 show error "Fatal: Unable to attach to remote geth: dial unix qdata/dd1/geth.ipc: connect: no ...
mohammed alzuharey's user avatar
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web3js getPastLogs function returns error: query returned more than 10000 results

I have a local ethereum node and I am trying to filter an event for a contract address between a range of blocks. However it throws the following error: node:15689) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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web3 eth return returns a nonexistent transaction hash

I'm trying to create transactions something like this: var sender = meth.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(data.fromPrivate) meth.sendTransaction({ sender, to:, amount: data.value, }, cb) ...
mr blabla's user avatar
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decode a transaction receipt which does not have an event log

Is there a way to decode a transaction receipt which does not have an event log? In the case of an event log we have topics which we can decode, but what about the case when an event isn't triggered ...
mzaidi's user avatar
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Decoding input paramters throws invalidity error

Using the abi for a smart contract that I got, I was trying to decode the input parameters for a transaction receipt using web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters function. The logs.json file is as below: { &...
mzaidi's user avatar
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eth_getLogs was only return erc20 tokens

i have used below command to get every logs on the special blocks but its only return erc20 token logs and ethereum transactions was not listed. my geth command: curl --data '{"method":"eth_getLogs",...
Farhad Jafari's user avatar
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Which operations can change ethereum address balance?

I am writing a program that would monitor changes in balance of a set of ethereum addresses. I did the same for UTXO based coins, and the logic was pretty simple. All of the changes were directly ...
navigante's user avatar

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