I am studying all listed pairs on Pancakeswap. I get the pair address from
PCS_FACTORY_ADDRESS = Web3.toChecksumAddress(PCS_FACTORY_ADDRESS.lower() )
pair_contract = PCS_FACTORY_CONTRACT.functions.allPairs(n).call()
with n cycling from 0 to the current number of listed pairs. This works fine. When I have a pair address, how can I determine the underlying pair?
For example, for RAZOR the pair address is: 0x65d83d57c52d10e233bd4fed21fb9184ce00e861. Using
contract = w3.eth.contract(address=Web3.toChecksumAddress(pair_contract) , abi=PAIRS_ABI)
symbol = contract.functions.name().call()
I only get the name of the LP - Tokens (Pancake LPs). What I want to have is the address of the token itelf (for Razor it would be 0x50de6856358cc35f3a9a57eaaa34bd4cb707d2cd)
Can you help me how to achieve this?
Right now I use python and Web3.
Thank you very much