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Questions tagged [topics]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Get all event hashes for ABI

I have a smart contract ABI. What's the easiest way to compute the keccak256 hashes for the events in the contract?
fafrd's user avatar
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Topic0 of event with enum?

What would be the topic0 of an event with an (or multiple) enums or other non-standard, self-defined Solidity types in its parameters? Example: event EvInventory(bytes32 indexed itemHash,address maker,...
tomvis1984's user avatar
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How to trace a token adress from an ERC 721 transfer transaction?

I have an Ethereum node which I connect using web3j library. In the code I iterate over transactions of a particular block and try to fetch information about ERC721 transfers. In particular, I want to ...
Sasha Shpota's user avatar
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52 views defining only last topic (is there 'and anything before' option?)

I was checking this post: 'topics' and this documentation: I see here, that I have various methods for defining ...
Penko_Mlakar's user avatar