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How to set the receiver of ETH in a contract to send ETH from one address to another with solidity usign call() in remix IDE

I'm starting to learn solidity, and I'm trying to build a sendEther contract where some address sends an amount of ether to another address. I'm building it on remix, and I'm having trouble while ...
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Ethereum Geth Node for writing transactions

We are running a full Ethereum Geth node, but the resources and support effort is too great. All we need to do is create ETH addresses and send transaction, not read or scan the blockchain. Can anyone ...
1 vote
1 answer

Solhint: Why should I avoid multiple calls of "send" in a single transaction?

function withdrawAll() public payable onlyOwner { uint256 _each = address(this).balance / 4; require(payable(t1).send(_each), "Account is being paid out"); require(payable(t2)....
0 votes
1 answer

Send Token to Random Addresses

First of all, is this the right way to send a token to a random address? _mint(address(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now))), _amount) If so, how do I make it to repeat itself 10 times (sending a token to ...
0 votes
1 answer

receive ether from address only after another address has sent ether

I have a two smart contracts. One receives ether(ReceiveEther) and the other sends ether(SendEther). I have it set so whoever made SendEther can only send to ReceiveEther if both contract creators ...