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Ethereum vs bitcoin technology [closed]

I have understood how bitcoin works (coinbase block, mining, links between transactions, hashrate, nounce, proof of work, ...) Now i want to understand how Ethereum works. Can we say it is the same ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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What if difficulty exceeds the length of a fixed sha256 hash in proof of work?

Hello im a newbie in Blockchain, i got to know some basics, but im confused that what if the difficulty exceeds the length of a sha256 fixed length string example : The fixed length is here 64 (sha256)...
Venson De Laquira's user avatar
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Why does proof of work targeted zeros always comes at the start of hash? why is it not in the middle or the end of hash?

My question is why always targeted zeros come at the start of hash of the block? I have never seen more than 2 zeros in middle or somewhere else in the hash of mined block... What's the reason?.... ...
zohaib's user avatar
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How feasible it to combine Proof of Work and Proof of Elapsed time consensus to create a custom blockchain?

I wonder if it feasible to create your own custom consensus by combining Proof of Work and Proof of Elapsed time? How would I approach it? Any tools or frameworks to build it? I appreciate all the ...
monkrus's user avatar
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What is the "main" difference between consensus mechanism of Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Bitcoin and Ethereum both use proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism. One of differences between Bitcoin Pow and Ethereum PoW is difficulty level, meaning that while in bitcoin block generation rate ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Why is ethereum's mining function is safe as bitcoin's proof of work?

bitcoin's mining time is about 15 minutes while ethereum's mining time is 10 seconds. Is not it bad for ethereum's mining time to be too short? (from security aspect). Why is it so important for ...
adi's user avatar
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