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How to securely interact with a smart contract using Web3.js?

I'm currently developing a decentralized application (dApp) on the Ethereum blockchain, and I'm using Web3.js to interact with my deployed smart contract. Here's the setup I have so far: My smart ...
Fikri Rudiansyah's user avatar
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Is it normal that RPC provider will return error message but transaction is actually successful?

I am currently new here at blockchain. I am currently using a subscribed private rpc ankr and Moralis. So, it is normal that rpc will return us some errors but transaction still manages to be made ...
Alvin Low's user avatar
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Callback After Dapp Approval

I have had a contract made for me, and a dapp set up by a developer. My question is how can i produce an event on my website when the user has approved spend of a certain token? Can i use a javascript ...
Jim Mike's user avatar
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Help with “web3 not defined”

I am cloning a tutorial And when I run the debug console I get the error “web3 is not defined” The code is the exact same, looked all over the internet ...
Jackson T.'s user avatar
2 votes
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How to detect the specific wallet provider used by the user in a web3 dapp when multiple wallet providers are installed?

I want to detect which wallet provider has been used to connect to a specific dApp. right now what I'm doing is const ethereum = window.ethereum; const web3 = window.web3; if (ethereum && ...
Saswata Dutta's user avatar
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Unknown error when running the project [closed]

While deploying my application, I get the following error. I have tried some solutions but none has worked. Link to the code repository: This is the error ...
Demilade Kusa's user avatar
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Trying to run a javascript test through Truffle. Truffle is not able to read the javascript file or I cannot understand the issue here

I am trying to run truffle test to test a javascript file on windows through powershell. The results keep showing a syntax error on the first character of the .js test file after compiling all ...
GimmeGinNtonic's user avatar
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Can I use Aragon's UI components when building dapps on top of aragonOSx?

I want to build my own custom DAO dapp on top of the new Aragon protocol, but would love to not have to create an entire new UI for it. I was wondering if I could use Aragon's UI components to build ...
juliette_chevalier's user avatar
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UniSwap v3 SDK ERROR creating new Pool class with Tick[]

I have a question regarding the SDK, I am using subgraph to pull data for each pool and using to create a pool class in JS, when I pass the Tick[] or create a TickListDataProvider I keep getting this ...
Luke Longo's user avatar
3 votes
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Error: could not detect network

I am currently trying to deploy my DApp 'nftmarketplace' to the net using Vercel on the Goerli test network. However the app is failing to connect to the blockchain and I am getting the following ...
Beau Chaseling's user avatar
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How to get solidity custom errors on dApp?

I would like to get the custom error code from my dApp, however, I can't get it when the smart contract is using revert. However, I can get the error reason when the solidity contract use required. Ex....
Facundo Baez's user avatar
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How to integrated javascript /web 3 into wordpress?

hello everyone i use wordpress for website developement and right now i developping a web3 app and i would to know how can i integrated the script to wordpress element (button etc ). Should i develop ...
dev's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInfo') at index2.js:20:20

i am going to call a smart contract method in web.js ( i am using legacy web.js) my solidity code as follow : pragma solidity 0.5.4; contract Register { string private info; function setInfo(...
mahsa nemati's user avatar
1 vote
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Calling a solidity function without a wallet using ethers.getDefaultProvider

I am trying to call a function from my solidity contract which shows how many nfts have been minted so far, I want the front end user to be able to see the number even if they don't have a wallet in ...
N44T's user avatar
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wallet_addEthereumChain is not working in metamask android app

I am using wallet_addEthereumChain RPC function to add the custom network in metamask android app through our Dapp but it is showing an error wrong chainid. The chainid(80001) is correct and the code ...
Anuj Pandey's user avatar
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How to Parse the Data Returned by a Solidity Function

I have the following solidity code, to get the data that has been mapped to an address, function showOrg(address org) external view returns(uint identifier, string memory organization_name, bool ...
Minura Punchihewa's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a must use framework to design dapps that works well with Truffle?

I am trying to develop a dapp that works on a web browser that will also contain a website made in a popular UI framework (let's say angular) rather than building a html/css manually. Right now I'm ...
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I am getting Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode error

I am getting an Invalid Opcode error while calling the refundAmount function which will refund the amount to the customer and cancel his/her ticket bookings. registrations is a structure mapping and ...
Yash Attal's user avatar
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Where can i find a documentation of all `wallet_` RPC calls?

Looked everywhere, and all I can find are a bunch of EIPs. Is there a document/repo somewhere listing all available RPC calls that interact with the wallet (wallet_...)? Specifically, I'd like to ...
Traveling Tech Guy's user avatar
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Is there any advantage or disadvantage of using javascript over solidity when building dapps on etherum?

I am aware that there are libraries that let you build dapps on ethereum. What are the pros and cons of using javascript over solidity for dapps. I know this might sound like a partly subjective ...
YulePale's user avatar
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Create new account in ganache

I'm creating a Dapp which provide the user with individual account. while developing, when i create a account by const accounts = await web3.eth.personal.newAccount('test'); the account is created ...
Vikash's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: work.methods.workCount is not a function

Describe the bug I am trying to call the public variable "workCount" from a smart contract using web3 Steps to reproduce: const work = new web3.eth.Contract(ABI,Address) const workCount = ...
Heba's user avatar
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error comparing numbers in smart contract (Big Number)

I am unable to understand when all do we need to convert numbers to bigNumbers for asserting to be equal. In some cases by mistake i missed to convert integer variables to bigNumber and they worked ...
Shrey Gupta's user avatar
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Time-dependent test unexpected behavior at 1st attempt, expected behavior at 2nd attempt

I'm trying to test a contract in which functions should require certain timestamps. Parts of code are eliminated for readability: Here's the problematic part of the contract : PCE_Contract.sol pragma ...
newbnoob's user avatar
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Uniswap V2 smart contract keeps getting reverted in JS

I'm trying to swap tokens using Uniswap v2 interface. The code of the contract is here. I'm able to deposit Eth to the contract and but I'm not able to invoke the swapEthForTokenWithUniswap() ...
CJamie's user avatar
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Ether transaction does not reflect in ganache

Hi am developing a etherium DAPP. In that for every user registration some ether will get transfer from user to contract... Everything work perfect but the transacted ether is not reflecting in ...
Monicka Akilan's user avatar
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Just not able to install Web3 through powershell

After reading a lot of articles about how to install Web3j in windows. I also tried following this article :
sweet archita's user avatar
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How to call external payable contract function from app.js (DApp)?

The contract has a function: function purchaseTokens() external payable { require(msg.value>0); ...etceteras... } What I need is an app.js part, something that would look like this (lets ...
Damir Olejar's user avatar
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Is it possible to instantiate a deployed contract in js using contract address alone? without copying abi data?

Is it possible to instantiate a deployed contract in js(dapp) using contract address alone? without copying abi data?
awesomemams's user avatar
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How shoud I properly initialize DApp and get account address?

I am writing DApp in react, and basically I want to initialize web3, unlock account, and display it. Having web3 in my package.json In the onload I've tried to go following: let Web3 = require('web3')...
sleo's user avatar
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Web3: web3.utils is undefined

I am kinda new to Ethereum and Web3 so I am trying to implement the Ethereum: Building Blockchain Decentralized Apps (DApps) tutorial. I have already installed web3 and web3-utils. npm view web3 ...
Flora Biletsiou's user avatar
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Solidity Vs JavaScript?

I'm currently in the process of writing a game however a question has popped up in my head. A while back I started writing my game in Solidity (i.e the characters, names, stats etc.) and I had ...
Samuel Catley's user avatar
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Ethers js adding provider

I have an app I am working on implementing ethers.js. There are two methods I am using to create a wallet: new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider); and new ethers.Wallet.createRandom(); With creating ...
Chipe's user avatar
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Calling a "view" function using web3js

--- HEAVILY EDITED --- Solidity contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.24; contract PatientRecords { struct Patient { string ID; string weight; string height; string diseasehistory; ...
Yakko Majuri's user avatar
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Adding quotation marks to string before calling a function [closed]

Alright, so I'm not sure if I should be asking this here or HTML/JavaScript forums, so please do let me know if I am in the wrong place. I believe it belongs here as you all understand dApps and ...
Yakko Majuri's user avatar
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MetaMask Web3 object does not support synchronous methods without a callback parameter [duplicate]

I'm new around here and would appreciate some intuitive help. I wrote a contract and made a UI for it, and it's all working fine with ganache-cli. However, now that I've launched it on Ropsten and on ...
Yakko Majuri's user avatar
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ERC721 Dapp not working, not showing token owner

So I am building a Dapp to interact with an ERC721 contract. So far I'm able to mint, transfer and check an address balance. I'm stuck with trying to show who owns which token( via their token id). ...
Mr.Blonde's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to check a token transaction history for an account with web3js?

If I have an account that has sent and received specific tokens, say ExampleToken (EXT), can I use web3js to see a list of EXT transfers and receipts for my address (or any other address)? I am ...
John Murphy's user avatar
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WEB3.JS How do I configure a payable function front end with the input (DAPP)

I am trying add the front end part of a payable function using web3.js (And just vanilla JavaScript, no other libraries). Here is the solidity function: function deposit() public payable { ...
BlockchainBoy's user avatar
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Toshi browser vs. Google Chrome browser to interact with Dapp?

Toshi is a browser to interact with Dapps such that after uploading our Dapp (including solidity smart contract, Javascript and HTML code) on a server, we can search our Dapp using its URL (ex: www....
Questioner's user avatar
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JavaScript for Dapp

Can the following libraries and frameworks be used to build the Client-Side of DApps ? Specially Ember Backbone Aurelia Polymer jQeury
JJJ's user avatar
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In truffle Console Works, but when called in Javascript, Metamask hangs, Solidity contract doesn't update

So I have a function where I am asking the user to send two strings and 1 ether at the same time. When I execute the function in the console, the solidity contract is updated. When I execute the same ...
Dennison's user avatar
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How to generate Private key, public key and address

I can't find any documentation online about doing this in Javascript other than this. I want to know how does authentication work in a ethereum dApp's.. As per my understanding user seed somehow gets ...
Kravitz's user avatar
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Watch pending transactions with ethjs.js

I am trying to use ethjs.js to listen to pending transactions, but nothing really worked. Does anyone have a working example fetching pending transactions with ethjs.js? I have tried the following: ...
karvex's user avatar
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Cannot get value from calling constant function with web3js and Metamask

I have an extremely basic contract deployed on Ropsten: pragma solidity ^0.4.16; contract hypergrowth { uint256 public someNumber = 5; function hypergrowth() public {} function changeNumber(...
Steve's user avatar
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Update dapp after contract transaction is mined

I made a web app that interacts with a smart contract, using truffle unbox webpack. My contract has a variable called sum and 2 functions: one called answer that increments the sum variable after it ...
kathi's user avatar
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web3.eth.contract is not a function when making contract

Whenever I try and make a contract, I get: web3.eth.contract is not a function I'm using this code: const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const solc = require('solc'); ...
ErwanLent's user avatar
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How can dapps work on smartphones?

How can dapps on mobile web browsers interact with web3.js? Is there any tool like Metamask or Mist on the roadmap for mobile?
Diego Cerdan Puyol's user avatar
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Using Bootstrap with Truffle

I'm having trouble getting bootstrap working with my truffle dapp. The logs show the build going through OK, but when I truffle serve it and open it in the browser it complains that "Bootstrap's ...
ashtron's user avatar
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How to map a web3 to a react.js state

How would you map a changing variable from web3 to react.js component? Example: class App extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { blockNumber: web3.eth....
rstormsf's user avatar
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