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2 answers

How to detect the specific wallet provider used by the user in a web3 dapp when multiple wallet providers are installed?

I want to detect which wallet provider has been used to connect to a specific dApp. right now what I'm doing is const ethereum = window.ethereum; const web3 = window.web3; if (ethereum && ...
Saswata Dutta's user avatar
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1 answer

wallet_addEthereumChain is not working in metamask android app

I am using wallet_addEthereumChain RPC function to add the custom network in metamask android app through our Dapp but it is showing an error wrong chainid. The chainid(80001) is correct and the code ...
Anuj Pandey's user avatar
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2 answers

I am getting Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode error

I am getting an Invalid Opcode error while calling the refundAmount function which will refund the amount to the customer and cancel his/her ticket bookings. registrations is a structure mapping and ...
Yash Attal's user avatar
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How shoud I properly initialize DApp and get account address?

I am writing DApp in react, and basically I want to initialize web3, unlock account, and display it. Having web3 in my package.json In the onload I've tried to go following: let Web3 = require('web3')...
sleo's user avatar
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2 answers

MetaMask Web3 object does not support synchronous methods without a callback parameter [duplicate]

I'm new around here and would appreciate some intuitive help. I wrote a contract and made a UI for it, and it's all working fine with ganache-cli. However, now that I've launched it on Ropsten and on ...
Yakko Majuri's user avatar
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1 answer

Watch pending transactions with ethjs.js

I am trying to use ethjs.js to listen to pending transactions, but nothing really worked. Does anyone have a working example fetching pending transactions with ethjs.js? I have tried the following: ...
karvex's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot get value from calling constant function with web3js and Metamask

I have an extremely basic contract deployed on Ropsten: pragma solidity ^0.4.16; contract hypergrowth { uint256 public someNumber = 5; function hypergrowth() public {} function changeNumber(...
Steve's user avatar
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