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1 answer

Create/set "subId" by createSubscription() and get "subId" vrfCoordinatorV2_5Mock calling by javascript in hardhat environment

deploy.js: const { network, ethers } = require("hardhat") const { developmentChains, networkConfig } = require("../helper-hardhat-config") const { verify } = require("../...
Dennis's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Reading Ethereum contract event TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toHexString')

I have the following js script that i want to use to read events from a smart contract below, but when i run the script I get the following error message TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined ...
Osemu Aimiosior's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

I am listening on an event that's happening on smart contract. event UpdatedMaxNumber(address indexed player, uint maxNumber, uint256 timestamp); My original code works fine and updates the new number ...
pigfox's user avatar
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Forking a network to simulate events

I'm trying to simulate an event by forking a network. For example: wss.on('block', async (blockNumber) => { // Your code here }); How can I accomplish this? Any guidance would be ...
adam mr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to decode a bytes value from Ethereum event with ethers.js

I've got the following event declaration in my Solidity contract: event RemoteOrderCreated(bytes32 indexed id, uint32 indexed nonce, address indexed sender, bytes input); And I capture the event ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Listening to multiple smart contracts

Is there an "optimal" way to listen to multiple smart contracts? For example, listening to an event emitted by one smart contract in a useEffect: useEffect(() => { const ...
alpo's user avatar
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2 answers

How to monitor events on an Solidity Smart Contract using hardhat and ethers?

I'd like to monitor events happening on-chain on a specific Smart Contract. I'd like to know every time a Transfer event happens. I tried to write a code with hardhat, but no events if being logged. ...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to listen to smart contract events using nodejs server?

I am currently trying to 'listen events' emitted from my smart contract. I am able to run my scripts created by using the node command and it works as intended, and I want to host it on a server. I ...
ohShoes's user avatar
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1 answer

Filtering event always returns topics

I have an event in my contract: event CreatedUnfinishedRandomSVG(uint256 indexed tokenId, address nftOwner, uint256[] randomWords); In my JS script, I am trying to run some code only if the event that ...
pho_pho's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting specific values from Web3js getPastEvents

I would like to know how to pull the account value from returnValues: Result {} of this web3.eth.Contract This code logs to the console just fine, but I have scoured documentation on objects and on ...
SimpleMachine92's user avatar
2 votes
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Ethers.js transfer event filters

In my dapp I'm building I want to update the contracts' balance of an ERC20 token automatically using the transfer event from the token contract. I have created the contract object using: const ...
Nolan Jannotta's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get events from a contract deployed on different network? - Web3

I have contract A in Avalanche FUJI C-chain. When I'm on C-chain testnet, I can get events from A using getPastEvents() in web3.js, but when I change the testnet (for example, to Goerli), I receive an ...
Kud8's user avatar
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Ethers - get historical block.timestamp in batch mode

I am trying to build a simple database table containing block.number and block.timestamp starting at a given block number. This could be easily done with the following JS code using ethers.js library: ...
Sergi Juanati's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible for web3 to listen to contract function call ? (For example mint() for a NFT)

Hey I have read about listening to events in web3js and it worked. I have my abi set up and looked through all available events in it and mint(), what I use to mint nfts is a function which makes ...
Lucas Goldner's user avatar
1 vote
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OpenZeppelin test helper: expectEvent.inTransaction error

I'm trying to use OZ Test helpers to pass a test when a specific event is emitted. Here is the logic: I call function1 with a JS Promise. function1 calls function2 which emits an event. Parts of ...
newbnoob's user avatar
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How to pass Multiple Values in a Solidity Event

I am emitting within a function the following in a solidity smart contract. emit Transfer(address(0), to, tokenId) In my front-end JavaScript code, I am reading the values as follows: let transfer = ...
JF0001's user avatar
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0 answers

How to watch/wait for events in JavaScript + Truffle?

I'm learning to develop Oracles, and, like all of us, I've encountered a dated article. After fixing all the Solidity changes (version, adding emit to fire an event, changing constructor function to ...
Traveling Tech Guy's user avatar
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Array lenght and data miss match while storing data of events

Can someone help me in finding what is wrong here a why the length of task info is 0 even the taskInfo has some data. I'm using events to fill the taskinfo array. I'm stuck at this place for almost 2 ...
dante055's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I extract a wallet address from event data?

I have a contract that returns event data including the sender's address: event Result( address indexed _walletAddress, string _name, uint256 _amount ) And in my Node.js app I try to ...
mobiman's user avatar
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Emited Solidity Events not being watched at frontend truffle contract instance

So, I have been reading through A LOT of pages about events in Solidity and how to interact with them on frontend but I am still pretty new to this and it seems like there have been multiple changes, ...
Xore's user avatar
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Am I hashing the data in the file itself, or just the reference?

I am attempting to create an app where I upload a file to a website and then I submit a hash of that file onto Ethereum. I am unsure whether I am hashing the actual file below or just the reference to ...
Julian Martinez's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How to get events emitted by a transaction with web3.js

I'm writing a user interface in Javascript and I'm using the web3.js library. I have the transaction hash of a confirmed transaction. I would like to get an array of all events emitted by that ...
Jesbus's user avatar
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1 answer

Truffle Exec Return Events

I have set up a JavaScript file that takes in my contract and executes the various functions and then returns the correct events. The file runs through 'truffle exec'. I am using the following line ...
Emul's user avatar
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3 answers

Truffle Tests Events via JavaScript

I am testing my contract via the chai and truffle-assertions libraries from a JavaScript file and am testing if events return the correct values. I have an event called Message. In my function, the ...
Emul's user avatar
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Accessing the Ethereum State Variables using web3js (Java Script)

I'm trying to run the below code to get the state variables using the getIdBytes method of the Smart Contract, and assign it to a java script array variable, but it doesn't seem to work. All I can ...
Vijay S's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Truffle test, logs do not include an emitted event

I am calling a contract function which emits an event in a transaction. This transaction should include the event and is typically visible via: const receipt = await contractInstance.someFunction() ...
Shiri's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to stop listening to all events of contract

I am using the JavaScript API in my truffle tests to get the events from the contract: const allEvents = instance....
Harsha Laxman's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Events loading too slow

I have a dapp running on rinkeby at the moment, you can try it now on, but I am facing a problem when reading events from the Blockchain. For example, yesterday I make the events happens, ...
Gustavo Alvarez's user avatar
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Watch Events with same Name but different params

using [email protected] is there a way to get Events overloaded (with the same name, but different params) ? I found contract.Transfer[‘address,address,uint256,address,bytes’]({ fromBlock: 0, ...
imazzara's user avatar
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1 answer

Show an event with nodejs

in my Smart Contract I have a function such that it fires an event at the end of its code. function sendTran(arguments) public { *code* emit Event(argument 1,argument 3,argument 3,...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Unable to print event without JSONstringify

I am trying to understand the difference among following cases while printing the event: At web3.js listenToEvent: function(){ Contract.deployed().then(function(instance){ instance....
Shubham Chadokar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why Event log is NOT shown in HTML page?

I want to see Event logs in UI. And for this, I use following code in JavaScript : var EnergyEvent = Coursetro.setEnergyEvent({}, {fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'});
Questioner's user avatar
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A common error at time of using web3 options

When i use some web3 options as follows, I receive a common error i.e. TypeError: web3.[option] is not a function For example : TypeError: web3.toAscii is not a function web3.toAscii(...
Questioner's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to convert Hexadecimal values into readable format?

I'm using etherscan API to fetch the event logs:
Sowmay Jain's user avatar
1 vote
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Web3.js function(s) to help determine the block numbers inside a date range?

I just learned today that you can query past events using the Web3.js 1.0.0 getPastEvents() function. That function supports filtering via the fromBlock and toBlock call parameters, so you can limit ...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
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2 answers

Watch multiple contracts/events?

Is there a way to watch events from multiple contracts with just one watch-statement (something like [contract1.event, contract2.event, ...].watchAll() ) in Javascript? Code is just for illustration ...
AirUp's user avatar
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Watching for events returns 0 blocknumber

I am trying to listen for recently mined events from a live smartcontract(EtherDelta). // tradeEvent = contractIns.Trade({}...
praneeth mendu's user avatar
3 votes
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Solidity print multiple data

I understood that print is not possible on Solidity, is recommended to use event and events can be read by using .watch. In order for an event to appear it has to be mined first. What if I have a ...
Consy's user avatar
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Events dont fire when called too quickly

I have a very simple solidity function that just calls an event: function sendMessage(int id, string title, string message){ Message(id, method, parameters); } When I call it using ...
Enrique Alcazar's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

How to listen for contract events in JavaScript tests?

I'm trying to trigger events in my solidity contract to output some debug information in my javascript tests. However the events seem to get never caught. That's the relevant contract code: pragma ...
Mindful's user avatar
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Getting event history takes a really long time or doesn't work at all

I'm having trouble getting a history of events. I'm unsure if I am misunderstanding how events work, if I'm coding wrong, or if it has anything to do with the recent Ethereum attacks slowing down the ...
Matthew Patience's user avatar
7 votes
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Event result parameters and arguments in console

I read about using events from this source I used a simple multiply contract: contract test1{ uint a; event event_res(string msg,...
Aditi's user avatar
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46 votes
6 answers

How do I parse the transaction receipt log with web3.js?

The event parser in web3 provides a nice parsing functionality for events, and I use it for logging all events to a file, but it's very difficult to use for looking at individual events for a ...
Paul S's user avatar
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