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Does delegate calling to a non-payable function result into a revert?

I have a payable function that takes an array of call datas as input, to which it delegate calls one-by-one: function batch(bytes[] calldata calls) external payable override { uint256 count = ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Cannot delegatecall a nonpayable function from a payable context?

I'm wondering why it always reverts when I delegatecall a non-payable function from a payable context when the msg.value is not 0. Simple code below: contract Trial { function magicNumber42() ...
Yu Zhong's user avatar
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"DELEGATECALL" with value

How is it possible that "DELEGATECALL" with a non-zero value? Example: ...
Dmytro Shalaiev's user avatar
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Reason for Checking `msg.sender == _msgSender()` in OpenZeppelin's MulticallUpgradeable Contract

In the OpenZeppelin::MulticallUpgradeable contract, there's a validation that checks msg.sender == _msgSender(). Considering that msg.sender and _msgSender() typically return the same value, why is ...
Coinymous's user avatar
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Is delegatecall to another contract really same as calling the function as if it were the part of calling contract?

When a contract makes a delegatecall, the code at the target address is executed in the context of the calling contract. This means that the storage, state variables, and functions of the calling ...
mohak gupta's user avatar
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Delegatecall failing 'could not coalesce error'

I'm trying to set a message to my Contract setmsg through a proxy contract using delegatecall.Using hardhat. getting this error: error: { code: -32603, message: "Error: VM Exception ...
Loputocharlio's user avatar
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Payable multi-delegatecall

I have a code of multi-delegatecall like this: function multicall(bytes[] calldata _data) external payable returns(bytes[] memory _results) { _results = new bytes[](data.length); for (uint256 ...
zkYan's user avatar
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Identifying delegatecalls to a target contract

A contract I am auditing (contract A) is being used via delegate call by another contract. I suspect there may be more contracts using this code as well in the same manner but I cannot prove it. Is ...
Pablo González's user avatar
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Access imported contract's function on behalf of another contract using delegatecall

So I have two contracts. the firt one is a contract that imports a token import {testToken} from "./testToken.sol"; testToken public token; and has this functionality AddressUpgradeable....
Non Fungible Person's user avatar
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Unable to change the storage using Delegate call

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract Preservation { // public library contracts address public timeZone1Library; address public timeZone2Library; address public ...
kumar's user avatar
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How to change the storage using Delegate call

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract Preservation { // public library contracts address public timeZone1Library; address public timeZone2Library; address public ...
kumar's user avatar
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Inheriting a contract to match state layout in a delegatecall

What is the best way to manage the state layout of a contract will exclusively be used via a delegatecall? Let's say that there is a Parent contract that uses delegatecall on a Child contract. Within ...
Marty's user avatar
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delegateCall to a function of an upgradeable contract (TransparentUpgradeable)

I have the following TransparentUgradeable contract on ArbitrumOne: I want to call the function depositTokenViaUsdc() from a ...
user66732's user avatar
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Execute ERC20 Approve outside of ERC20 contract

I am rewriting the crowdfunding exercise. IERC20 public immutable token; function pledge(uint _id, uint _amount) external { Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[_id]; ...
stevealock's user avatar
5 votes
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Preserving visibility "view" of a method using delegate call to a view method

I am using a delegate call inside a view function to a view function in the implementation contract The compiler throws an error meaning that the delegate call can change the state, therefore, can not ...
donoso.eth's user avatar
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Who is msg.sender in a nested delegatecall chain?

Who is the msg.sender in emitted event by calling callMe method on contract D? pragma solidity 0.8.10; contract A { event LogMsgSender(address who); function callMe() public { emit ...
0xbeny's user avatar
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Solidity assembly code - calldatacopy, delegatecall

I have been trying to understand how assembly code works,spending lots of hours, but I could not. Please help me Basically, I am digging into a proxy contract, and I do not really understand ...
DHC's user avatar
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How call() function works in solidity?

Learning call() function in Solidity, I read that we use call() only when we don't know the ABI of the called contract and we don't know its source code. Below I have an example, but it seems we DO ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to ".call" a function of another contract which uses ".call"

So, I'm learning advanced smart contract development. Two days ago, I learned about Reentrancy attacks and then I also created two contracts Protocol.sol (vulnerable contract) + Hacker.sol (attacker ...
DevABDee's user avatar
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How to decode DSProxy input data

I'm trying to debug a tx made through a DSProxy deployed on Polygonscan, but I'm having a difficult time since the _data part of the DSProxy function input is ABI-encoded. I would have to comb through ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar
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How to use the factory pattern when the child is ownable?

I'm trying to reason how a factory can make calls to a child contract that is owned by an EOA. The goal of this project is to make a StoreFactory contract that allows anyone to deploy their own Store ...
soyboy's user avatar
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Delegatecall not working

I have deployed the following smart contract: 0x016d87b8c98e6ad0991d128CddA435FAfbC06792 //SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.15; contract Proxy { uint256 public count; address ...
Javier Marchetti's user avatar
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Expected primary expression in byte casting

I have a contract (Implementation.sol) which delegatecalls the other contract (Attacker.sol) to selfdestruct. When I try to compile the Implementation.sol on Remix, I receive Expected primary ...
bic's user avatar
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EOA delegating call authority to a contract to interact with another contract

Actually, I want my contract (say A) to interact with a project's contract (say B). But, contract B's author has restricted calls by any contract. So with this, only one option is left i.e. an EOA ...
abhi3700's user avatar
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What exactly is each parameter for assembly delegatecall?

I've been searching everywhere but I'm still not clear what each of the parameters are for delegatecall. What I have found is this delegatecall(g, a, in, insize, out, outsize), where g is gas and a is ...
Pedro's user avatar
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What is the difference between encodeWithSelector and encode?

I've been messing around with the abi.encode... functions and I think I have a good grasp of the differences, except abi.encode and abi.encodeWithSelector. Because, they give similar but slightly ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Why is delegatecall calling the fallback function?

I made two simple contracts to test delegatecall on remix: contract Delegate{ uint public x; function add(uint a, uint b)public{ x = a + b; } fallback() external{ ...
Pedro's user avatar
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How do I pass a struct as an argument in delegatecall to a proxy library?

I am trying to call the buyAssetsForEth function in the OpenSeaMarketV2 library using delegatecall as follows: pragma solidity 0.8.4; contract Owned { address public owner; constructor(...
Mr.Snow's user avatar
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Is there a way to check if a call is a call or a delegatecall?

I want to add a modifier to one of my function that checks wether the function call is a call or a delegatecall? Is there any way to figure that out? May be with some assembly?
maxime's user avatar
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delegate call from a fallback function using doesn't work

Please look into the following 3 contracts: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 pragma solidity 0.8.7; contract implementationProxy { uint public a; uint public b; address owner; ...
Rushank Savant's user avatar
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fallback not executing

I have a test project with proxy pattern (fallback/delegate call). The purpose is to have upgradeable contracts. Here is the proxy contract: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.13; ...
Marko's user avatar
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Assembly vs solidity delegatecall

Is there a real difference nowadays, performance-wise, between using assembly delegatecall and the high-level solidity version? I know that in the past assembly was used so you could get the returned ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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Delegatecall reverting after adding a second argument

solidity 0.8.3; I am trying to implement delegatecall, and I created a simple test within my contracts. function f(uint256 _testInt) public view returns(uint256 test) { test = _testInt + 1; ...
Boka's user avatar
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Contract A delegatecall function in contract B which calls function in contract c. msg.sender for function in contract c?

If Function in contract A delegatecall function in contract B which calls function in contract C. What will be the msg.sender for function in contract C?
user99015's user avatar
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delegateCall in Solidity understanding case

pragma solidity ^0.8.10; /* HackMe is a contract that uses delegatecall to execute code. It it is not obvious that the owner of HackMe can be changed since there is no function inside HackMe to do so....
ege126's user avatar
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Events in Chained Fallback Function Cause VirtualMachineError

I’m working on an upgradeable contract that uses fallback functions with inline assembly delegatecall and call calls (using calldatacopy and returndatacopy) to route internal and external function ...
rbinnun's user avatar
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Delegatecall failing

I have this second-layer delegatecall (delegatecall on a contract that already did delegatecall) that continues to fail even after checking all the main reasons why it could fail (storage layout, uint ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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solidity delegatecall Error return value

function queryErc20BaseInfo(address a) public view returns(bool success, bytes memory list ) { (success , list) = address(a).staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("name()")); return (...
user10834730's user avatar
2 votes
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Chain of delegatecall and call

Situation is: A calling B delegate calling C calling D What would be the msg.sender in D? I performed some test in Remix and it looks like msg.sender in D is C's address. I don't get why it's not A's ...
tarioug's user avatar
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How to manually generate calldata

Here's my code snippet: function getCalldata(string calldata _func, string calldata _param1, uint256 _param2) public pure returns (bytes memory) { return abi.encodeWithSignature(_func, _param1,...
ATRUES's user avatar
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Best practice for calling function from another contract

I'm a bit of a beginner so I'm sorry if I misphrase anything, but I haven't been able to find a definitive answer on this yet. I'm going through some tutorials which list out a few ways to call ...
flbzer's user avatar
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delegatecall in Brownie

I am trying to perform delegatecall in Brownie solving the Delegation task in the Ethernaut app in order to claim ownership of the Delegate contract (see below). What is the equivalent of the ...
haraslub's user avatar
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Why is there significant gas costs associated with call and delegate call?

I've been trying to understanding why Ethereum doesn't have a significant on chain package/library ecosystem despite having the capacity to do so via delegatecall or call to an ImplementationContract ...
MShakeG's user avatar
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DelegateCall returning false

I'm learning Solidity and tried to create a couple of contracts on Truffle. For this, I have created a Shop.sol contract that can "Buy" items using an ERC20 token. Inside the buyItem() ...
Steve Lear's user avatar
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Why does this result in an infinite loop?

I am doing this exercise: I expect my contract to call a non existent method in Delegation which then calls the ...
user1099123's user avatar
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Can I delegatecall my own internal function?

I have a contract that uses address(this).delegatecall(...) Can I put an internal function inside the delegatecall somehow? I tried the normal way, public functions worked but internal didn't. Is ...
egjlmn1's user avatar
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Does `delegatecall` create a new stack frame?

It seems like it was introduced to replace callcode because callcode modified msg.sender and msg.value, and that breaks a lot of use cases. If the msg fields aren't changed, that leads us to think a ...
Patrick Collins's user avatar
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delegatecall return wrong value

I want to get userInfo which is masterchef's methods. But I want to call userInfo from another contract, so I'm using delegatecall address sender = msg.sender; (bool success, bytes memory result) = ...
Gabriel Elfassi's user avatar
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What does "caller()" return in Yul when DELEGATECALL is used?

While browsing the Solidity docs, I noticed this instruction available in assembly: caller(): call sender (excluding delegatecall) What do the docs mean by "excluding delegatecall"? Is it ...
Paul Razvan Berg's user avatar
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Does a proxy contract need to declare state variables?

There is no variable declaration in the proxy contract. Does the returned data from the delegate call auto-generate the variables for the proxy contract? contract Logic { uint256 varA; ...
stanftf's user avatar
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