I am still trying to set up Visual Studio for solidity development. I am following this tutorial: https://medium.com/@ConsenSys/solidity-integration-with-visual-studio-8bdab2ff8a74#.35fbkvlae
I have Visual Studio 2015 Community and the solidity extension installed. I was able to download bloc, use "bloc init", "npm install", and "bloc genkey", but when I try "bloc start" nothing happens for about 30 seconds and then it just jumps into the next line without printing anything. It doesnt print "bloc is listening on" as the tutorial describes.
Then when I try to deploy a sample contract in visual studio I get an error. My understanding is that Bloc is not properly running yet. How can I figure out if the bloc keyserver is actually running? And what can I do if bloc start doesn't work?
The screenshot below shows that bloc is only responding with a blank line(after the first line). I dont believe this is due to a wrong directory, because when I am in the wrong directory, I get a specific error message(after the third command line).
Thanks, Max