I want to run full ethereum mainnet node on ubuntu,
what dependencies are required to install and run geth on ubuntu?
Refer this presentation to understand hardware requirements.
Refer this article to understand why syncing with ethereum node is slow?
Lately, a lot of people have been having issues with Geth, especially concerning syncing problems which were taking a long time to complete. This article will talk about how to set up a Parity node as an alternative to get a working Ethereum node as quickly as possible.
Install the latest Ethereum software.
Installing from PPA
install software-properties-common(add-apt-repository command is under the package software-properties-common and you need to install this package in order to install add-apt-repository).
add the ppa:ethereum/ethereum repository using the add-apt-repository command. Now you want to check your /sources.list.d/. For example if you are adding Launchpad to your wheezy /sources.list.d/