I have a on-going small private chain could be seen here. I have only few nodes, hence difficulty is pretty low and average block time is high (around a minute). So it can easily attacked with someone who has high computational power, overall it is not that useful and trustable chain.
I want to change my on going private-chain's consortium as from Proof-of-Work into Proof-of-Stake, if possible instead of creating a new chain, I want keep my chain's information. Please note that I control all nodes in the network.
[Q] Is it possible to change Proof-of-Work into Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm of an on-going Ethereum private chain? or in order to accomplish this, do we have to create a new chain initialized with Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm on the genesis block? If yes, how?
[Q] What is the difference between Parity's [ 1 ] and Nixops [ 2 ] approach? Which one is recommended to use?
Some references I found related to this topic:
Rinkeby Ethereum testnet, which uses Proof-of-Authority,
Proof of Authority Chains [ 1 ] and Rolling your own Proof-of-Authority Ethereum consortium [ 2 ].
Thank you for your valuable time and help.
geth --networkid <someNumber> --verbosity 3 --datadir="$datapath" --rpc --rpcaddr="localhost" --rpcport 8545 --rpccorsdomain="*" --maxpeers=512 --rpcapi "admin,eth,net,web3,debug"
. CustonGenesis.json File: gist.github.com/avatar-lavventura/…