I've setup a small network with two nodes using authorityRound engine (parity). My question is about the mining. If I have two validators (A and B), who will mining the blocks? the node A or B?
I ask because in my block explorer I see always that the author is the same:
For example, I see something like this:
block | hash | author
1 | 0x.. | A
2 | 0x.. | A
3 | 0x.. | A
4 | 0x.. | A
n | 0x.. | A
Thanks in advance.
I'm using this settings:
- genesis chain
The Smart contract for to manage the validators was copied from https://github.com/paritytech/contracts/issues/96
contract AdminValidatorList { address public owner;
address[] public validatorList = [<your first validator address>]; address[] public pendingList = [<your first validator address>]; mapping(address => bool) public isAdmin; modifier onlyAdmin() { require(isAdmin[msg.sender] == true); _; } event validatorAdded(address newvalidator); event validatorRemoved(address oldvalidator); event adminAdded(address newadmin); event adminRemoved(address oldadmin); event InitiateChange(bytes32 indexed _parent_hash, address[] _new_set); function AdminValidatorList() public { isAdmin[validatorList[0]] = true; } // Called on every block to update node validator list. function getValidators() public constant returns (address[] _validators) { return validatorList; } function getPendingValidators() public constant returns (address[] _p) { return pendingList; } // Add a validator to the list. function addValidator(address validator) public onlyAdmin { for (uint i = 0; i < pendingList.length; i++) { require(pendingList[i] != validator); } pendingList.push(validator); validatorAdded(validator); InitiateChange(block.blockhash(block.number - 1),pendingList); } // Remove a validator from the list. function removeValidator(address validator) public onlyAdmin returns (bool success){ uint i=0; uint count = pendingList.length; success = false; // you don't want to leave no validators - can't delete any until you have a minimum of 3. // This is in case your 1 remaining node goes down. Leave a safety margin of 2 if (count > 2) { for (i=0; i<count;i++) { if (pendingList[i] == validator) { if (i < pendingList.length-1) { pendingList[i] = pendingList[pendingList.length-1]; } pendingList.length--; success = true; validatorRemoved(validator); InitiateChange(block.blockhash(block.number - 1),pendingList); break; } } } return success; } // Add an admin. function addAdmin(address admin) public onlyAdmin { isAdmin[admin] = true; adminAdded(admin); } // Remove an admin. function removeAdmin(address admin) public onlyAdmin { isAdmin[admin] = false; adminRemoved(admin); } function finalizeChange() public { validatorList = pendingList; }
I know both nodes connect properly because if I use static validators works fine.