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15 votes

Is there any Ether mixer / tumbler available?

Philip Kirkbride's answer is misinterpreting cryptographers' use of obfuscation, and is also wrong. Mixers cannot be 'decoded' with any feasible amount of computing power. 'Decoding' the input-output ...
bekah's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there any way to hide a transaction?

No. All information on the blockchain is visible to all participants. Having said that, some clever uses of encrypted data exist for specific use cases. zkSnarks may provide general-purpose ...
Rob Hitchens's user avatar
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5 votes

With a ring signature mixer, will Ethereum transactions be completely anonymous?

The property of anonymity offered by ring signature mixers is more like what you would intuitively think of as 'plausible deniability', or 'anonymity with respect to an anonymity set'. The actual ...
bekah's user avatar
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5 votes

Will be a ring signature scheme possible to implement at Ethereum?

This implementation here demonstrates how to do it in Ethereum using a Smart Contract and Byzantine precompiles: ...
ivicaa's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there any way to hide a transaction?

There's ring mixing contract with source code here which has similar (in fact, flipped) properties to Monero's ring signature mixes. It offers anonymity to recipients rather than senders, meaning ...
bekah's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any way to hide a transaction?

Sort of. There's some work going to get zCash running on ethereum here: It seems like the ideas is: you would probably have an initial, traceable ...
John Henry's user avatar
3 votes

Will be a ring signature scheme possible to implement at Ethereum?

Here you have a Vitalik's post on where he talks about some of those things. I think it can be interesting to you.
kr0's user avatar
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2 votes

How do i make an ERC-Token Private or have a Ring signature like monero?

I think your best bet at this point in time would be to use zkSNARKs which has significantly more support overall through the ecosystem, although zkSNARKs operations aren't cheap. While searching for ...
hextet's user avatar
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1 vote

Will be a ring signature scheme possible to implement at Ethereum?

The idea of a multi-signature transactions apparently doesn't go with some goals of ethereum as a whole project and idea. You can read more from here as this question has been asked here : https://...
Kaki Master Of Time's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any Ether mixer / tumbler available? is a mixer that has received a fair amount of attention. As the site states, it has been audited, but is still considered experimental. I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on what it ...
The Renaissance's user avatar

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