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Questions tagged [py-evm]

a developer tool to execute the EVM in python, primarily used by the python client: trinity

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Dev install fails for Python 3.8 when installing py-evm dependencies

When following this guide in the py-evm docs, I get this verbose error when installing dependencies. It appears to be related to mypy and typed-ast, but I don't know enough about these to be able to ...
Sabnock66's user avatar
5 votes
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How to implement the CREATE2 in Python

I'd like to know either how to implement the skinny CREATE2 in Python or a package that provides it. This is the function I'm trying to port from TypeScript to Python. It calls generateAddress2 with ...
vnavascues's user avatar
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which client produced the gasUsed on Etherscan?

There are many EVM implementations, such as js-EVM, Py-EVM and geth. So I was wondering which EVM implementation generated the gasUsed on Etherscan (i.e., the gasUsed got by using web3) ?
chunmiao's user avatar
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Deploy contract in py-evm

I have a pretty dummy contract: pragma solidity ^0.4.16; contract Ballot { struct Voter { uint weight; // weight is accumulated by delegation } } Compiled with remix I receive the ...
Germán Molina's user avatar
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Get values from stack when certain Opcode is called

I am currently trying to use genetic algorithms to automatically generate test cases that for ethereum smart contracts similar to>this paper. In ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Are current ethereum opcodes prices in pyethereum updated?

I am not an expert in opcodes for Ethereum, but I am wondering if their prices here [] are updated as the latest version used by ...
MWH's user avatar
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How to create private chain in trinity / py-evm?

I am doing academic research using ethereum and want to use trinity / py-evm for the same. I have installed trinity and py-evm now next steps for me is to create a private chain and write some ...
user3258218's user avatar
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What is pyethereum?

I have seen a definition here saying: "This is the Python core library of the Ethereum project" So what is it's use? To develop dapps using python on the ethereum network?
YulePale's user avatar
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What advantages does Trinity have over Geth or Parity? What differences does it have?

With the exception of the language it is being written in, what are the main differences that Trinity has over Geth or Parity (if any). What advantages does it have? Disadvantages?
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

py-evm output with extra bytes

I have simple smart contract pragma solidity ^0.4.17; contract Inbox { string public message; constructor() public payable { message = "Hi there!"; } function setMessage(...
Ivan Hreskiv's user avatar