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Questions tagged [project-fork]

A project fork is a project that splits from an earlier project and goes in a slightly different direction.

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Hey guys i'm looking to obtain 1.05 Sepolia ETH for for my bot project [duplicate]

Hey guys i'm looking to obtain 1.05 Sepolia ETH for my bot project, if you can help out in funding my project with Sepolia ETH for my bot project I would be grateful for your help. thank you in ...
Dennis W.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Forge install is not installing the dependencies

I used to clone the code from this repo and work on that. Here, when calling forge install the dependencies are properly getting installed. ...
Hakob Arshakyan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle contracts in libraries when forking Uniswap?

I am creating a DEX by forking Uniswap. If I fork Uniswap V3 then do I need to re-deploy all contracts in libraries folder? Q 2: How Uniswap calculates the price of a token? Does it get it from ...
Hacek 's user avatar
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How can I use Pancake Swaps liquidity for my DEX?

I created a pancakeswap forked DEX with its smart contracts and the pancakeswap SDK. I can create pools, add liquidity & put limit orders although I want to use Pancakeswaps liquidity on my DEX. ...
Shahroz Khan's user avatar
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Forking the chain locally

I would like to fork the ETH chain and play around with it locally, maybe even buy a few raspberry pi's and run some nodes just to present it visually. Can someone please point me to some ...
AvocadoChocolate's user avatar
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What is the best way to create Binance Smart Chain (BSC) transactions via geth without a full node?

I currently run geth to create and query the ethereum blockchain for transactions in light mode. I don't have a eth full node running. I tried running the same similar setup for Binance Smart Chain in ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Uniswap/PancakeSwap Fork Fees

I am currently working on a Uniswap V2 fork. However I am somewhat confused as to how to set the fees to my liking. I need help finding the contract and function in the contract to set the fees to my ...
Sid's user avatar
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Fail with error 'UniswapV2Router: EXPIRED'

I forked UniswapV2's factory and router and deployed them in Kovan using remix I also made sure that I am sending an ETH I also made sure that I approved the tokens But I am getting this error when ...
Greg's user avatar
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Reading genesis config on GoLang

In a custom fork of Ethereum my team is developing, we need to read a new config parameter from genesis block. At the code ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
4 votes
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Calling contract method internally from geth code

On developing a custom geth fork there is the need to call a specific hardcoded smart contract when ETH transfer occur. This is not an Ethereum normal behaviour but a new feature we want to implement ...
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán's user avatar
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Clarification about Dogethereum

Can someone explain me the Dogethereum project? I mean, is it a token managed by a smart contract (through a bridge) or is it a full independent blockchain whose code is based on that of Ethereum, ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
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Smart Contract "Fork" [duplicate]

How could I create a new smart contract token and copy the balance of every address from an old contract. Essentially fork a contract. I want to make this a one time function in the contract so ...
James's user avatar
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Is it possible to rollback or fork a smart contract at a specific transaction?

Let's say I want to keep all the data stored in my contract only up to a specific transaction. Is there any type of rollback process or forking mechanism for smart contracts that will allow me to ...
Nicholas Porter's user avatar
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Is a truffle migration effectively the same thing as a fork?

I'm confused as to the distinction between a migration (in truffle) and a fork (project, not ethereum). After the initial migration (deploy), any future migrations create new contracts with new ...
mjhm's user avatar
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How can I launch public alternative (not private) chain on Ethereum protocol [closed]

What if I want to launch independent network using Ethereum protocol because current prices are too high for my purposes. Is that possible without forking and maintaining new codebase using geth or ...
21xhipster's user avatar
6 votes
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Connecting Ethereum private forks with the public chain

What are the mechanisms involved when trying to shift content from private forks onto the public chain? e.g. if R3 did indeed fork Ethereum and they decide later to utilize the public chain, how ...
jl2fa's user avatar
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