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openethereum - high gase, transactions get culled / too many trasnaction in queue

We have the following openethereum service (docker-compose) version: '2.3' services: ethereum: # using v2.6.2-beta as it's stable # paritytech/parity-ethereum/issues/10371 image:...
Oleg Belousov's user avatar
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Using the Parity or Geth light client, how can I monitor an address for transactions?

I'd like to use Parity or Geth, in light client mode, to monitor an address for transactions. Essentially, I should be able to check each block for transactions involving a certain address. In the ...
Jacob Gadikian's user avatar
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Why I am in the top 4 positions of the Parity txqueue? (not local)

I've been wondering why none of my transactions have been going through. Now, I understand the network has been overloaded from the ICO but it seems odd that I would show up in the top 4 of (...
GuntherL's user avatar
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Parity pending transaction [duplicate]

I'm one of the many that tries to join the Status Network ICO using Parity. When I check "txqueue viewer" on top of the queue I see my transaction. As you can see below, it's there for a long time ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Issues with Parity's send transactions and deploying contracts

I am using the latest Parity client on Mac connected via WiFi (ping 25ms) on the Ropsten testnet. The chain is completely synced but my problem is that I can't post any transaction and also can't ...
larsl's user avatar
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