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Open ports for sealers in POA

Should sealers have open TCP/UDP ports that allow other nodes to connect when running a clique blockchain? Edit: In other words: Is it mandatory for sealer nodes to accept incoming connections on the ...
Kees's user avatar
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How Ethereum 2.0 and sharding will apply to private Ethereum with PoA consensus (Clique)?

We're about to run the private Ethereum PoA chain based on Clique and thinking how would we support it for ages. Hence we're wondering: Whether Ethereum 2.0 updates (London, etc) are even applicable ...
nikitaeverywhere's user avatar
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Geth v1.9.24 - POA - no sealing with period 0 - "Sealing paused, waiting for transactions"

I have a private clique network with geth v1.9.24. 1 sealer and 1 node. With period=0 there is no sealing happening, all transactions go to txpool as pending, and logs show "Sealing paused, ...
nazneen's user avatar
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Geth-Clique PoA

In the PoA consensus algorithm Clique, when a sealer broadcasts a block for a given height of the blockchain, do the other sealers check the validity of the transactions inside the received sealed ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
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POA: Geth node (miner) automatically stops after 3-4 hours which results in primary node pausing and looking for peers

I have set up 2 Geth nodes with POA on different machines. After starting bootnode and starting Geth nodes, they sync well and starts mining alternately. If I manually stop a node, other node keeps ...
Ronak Doshi's user avatar