I have a private clique network with geth v1.9.24. 1 sealer and 1 node. With period=0 there is no sealing happening, all transactions go to txpool as pending, and logs show "Sealing paused, waiting for transactions". With period=1 or period=5 sealing starts happening and all the transactions get sealed in blocks. When I tried 3 sealers and 3 nodes, the same thing happens with period=0, no sealing. I created the genesis file using puppeth.
I started the node as follows: /usr/bin/geth --nousb --allow-insecure-unlock --identity "xxxx" --verbosity "3" --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcport "8545" --rpccorsdomain "" --rpcvhosts "" --rpcapi "miner,eth,net,personal,web3" --port "30303" --nodiscover --gcmode "archive" --miner.gasprice "1" --miner.gastarget "8000000000" --miner.gaslimit "9000000000000000" --networkid "830" --ipcpath "/home/eth_user/gethipc/geth.ipc" --unlock "xxxxxxxxxxxx" --password "xxxxxxxxx" --mine --syncmode "full"
I called eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[1], to: eth.coinbase, value: web3.toWei(30, "ether")}) multiple times from the geth console, and each transaction ended up pending in txpool. eth.accounts[1] was pre-funded, while eth.coinbase (sealer) was not.
I need period=0 to work so that the transactions are sealed very fast when they are submitted, and so that we don't have unnecessary bloat from empty blocks.
Am I missing setting up some parameter in Geth v1.9.24? This doesn't happen with Geth v1.8.27.
Thanks in advance