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Questions tagged [deployed-bytecode]

11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why am I not able to access the storage of a contract deployed with bytecode?

I'm learning about EVM and I was trying to write a simple smart contract using bytecode only. What the contract is supposed to do is write the number 202 to storage slot 0 read from the storage and ...
Rodrigo Pina's user avatar
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Querying an ethereum contract without ABI, with only input bytes

I know some transaction has some input bytes to the contract as specified by Etherscan or a mining pool (for instance, this transaction has input data that looks like 0x000000062de258...9b1d). I know ...
John Targaryen's user avatar
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Is there situation when using constants instead of literal values in the code will make the contract deploy more expensive?

I was reading a smart contract code in solidity and I found some magic numbers (literal values as function arguments or in some expressions). My first impulse was refactor it to use named constants ...
Claudio Silva's user avatar
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How to look up IPFS url in Ethereum Bytecode meta data

I have a solidity contract that is deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. The contract's bytecode ended with (what I assume to be) an IPFS url {ipfs}64736f6c634300060c0033 How do I look up this URL on ipfs?...
Barney Chambers's user avatar
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etherscan api not returning contract bytecode for some contracts

For some contracts, the Etherscan api returns empty bytecode (0x). For example for: 8AB399CBB9FDB9A36518A7E7EDDF89158E56C595 (even though the contract exists:
Albert Hendriks's user avatar
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UniswapV3 Fork with updated POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH

I am trying to modify the the standard tests for UniswapV3 staker, which is deployed with different POOL_INIT_CODE_HASH, but so far the tests that are failing resulting the following Error: Error: VM ...
Mark's user avatar
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Chainlink UpKeep Registration ABI Error Problem

Everytime I try to register my UpKeep on Chainlink Automation, I get this error, "ABI must be of type { "name": string, "inputs": { "name": string, "type": ...
Vidhan Mangla's user avatar
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How can I solve withdraw function not working on a deployed contract which worked on testnet

This is my smart contract and the withdraw function doesn't work , throws a big gas fee amount and seems not to work // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.9; ...
Turcu Octavian's user avatar
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Figure out the address used at construction time for a regular smart contract

Is there anyway to figure out what was the address used at construction time and find it in the bytecode? For example I know that for libraries they are storing it in the contract in order to be able ...
maxime's user avatar
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How is it the case that a contract's deployed code is longer than 24.576KB given EIP 170?

The deployed code associated with the contract address 0x05c848E3547Bc3Ccd977B84140FDC917Bfff96a1 is longer than EIP 170 permits (I think?). I know I'm misunderstanding something, but am struggling to ...
struggling170's user avatar
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Different byteCode generated between block explorer and standard json input

I have deployed a contract and want to verify it, but when I used the same code with same configurations of compiler to verify it, it gave me negative result. Thus I tried to decompile these two ...
llp's user avatar
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