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Questions tagged [basic-attention-token]

Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an Ethereum token that powers Brave Software's blockchain-based digital advertising platform. Internet users who browse the web using Brave's free web browser (available at can choose to replace the ads they see with ads on Brave's ad network. Users then receive BAT from advertisers as compensation for their attention.

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Other ways of paying gas different than Ether?

I've been trying to transfer my BATs from my ledger to the exchange address, only to discover that I haven't enough coins in the ETH parent wallet to pay the gas .. I had some ETHER until a couple of ...
John Galassi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Metamask Failed transaction when sending out BAT tokens

I've been trying to send some BAT tokens out of my metamask wallet for quite awhile and it keeps eating up all my eth gas fees. I even increased the gwei fee to 100 and paid .50 USD as the fee. And it ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where can one find the rich list of the BAT token? [duplicate]

Is there a rich list made for the BAT token?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do you expose the ethereum private key from the brave browser?

I have some funds on the brave browser, but how do I extract the ethereum private key from the brave browser?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do ERC-20 Tokens work?

I thought I understood ERC-20 tokens. However, I wanted to purchase a small amount of basic attention token (like $5) to learn and experiment with. That's when I realized that I didn't understand them ...
Some User's user avatar
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How much was BAT (Basic Attention Token) worth in eth / btc / usd during the 1 minute ICO?

What was the value of BAT (Basic Attention Token) during the 1 minute ICO in eth / usd / btc ? I can't seem to find this info anywhere. And what is the total supply?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar