This is transaction that was supposed to fund a smart contract but because of a low gas fee that I set, it resulted in an error

enter image description here

Gas fees were around 10-15 usd, but still it wasn't enough.

I can't figure out whether or not I was charged gas fees for it. In other words, are gas fees charged for such failed trasactions or do they not?

  • Isn't this just a valid revert in the contract code? ("Signature has expired") What makes you think the problem is related to gas? (You were charged $6.83) Commented Feb 24, 2021 at 10:33

2 Answers 2


For transactions that are reverted by contracts (i.e. rejected because some problem with the inputs), a partial gas fee is charged up to the point contract execution was possible and you hit an invalid condition.


Actually that is not an error from the blockchain itself, but from the contract you are calling: https://etherscan.io/address/0xede26ccc85ae521d06b5ef2604952a421c9124b6#code

So your transaction was processed, but reverted. You are charged for the gas used until the revert.

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