I have a contract which inherits from contract Claimable
by OpenZeppelin (see here):
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./Claimable.sol";
contract MyTestContract is Claimable {
uint256 public id;
function set(uint256 _id) external onlyOwner {id = _id;}
The purpose of course is to restrict the calling permission for function set
This function can be called only from the account which I use in order to deploy the contract.
After deployment, I would like to transfer ownership from this account to another contract.
The reason for this is not a part of my question, but for all it matters, I need to enforce multiple-signature on the function, and allow it to be executed only after X out of Y permitted users have submitted a request. Hence I need to transfer the ownership of the contract from my account to a MultiSig contract by Gnosis (see here), which I deploy myself.
The issue which I am having a problem with and cannot really wrap my head around, is how to transfer ownership to something which is "not exactly an account".
When I transfer ownership from my account to another account on the network, it works fine.
For example, I set up a Ganache network with 8 accounts, and then run this Truffle test:
contract('MyTestContract', (accounts) => {
it('Transfer Ownership', async () => {
let myTestContract = await artifacts.require('MyTestContract').new();
let owner = await myTestContract.owner();
assert(owner === accounts[0]);
await myTestContract.transferOwnership(accounts[1]);
await myTestContract.claimOwnership({from: accounts[1]});
let newOwner = await myTestContract.owner();
assert(newOwner === accounts[1]);
But when I transfer ownership from my account to the address of a contract which I deploy into the network, Truffle reports:
Error: sender account not recognized
Now, the error by itself makes sense, because there is no such account on the network.
So my question here - is it even possible to do what I'm trying to achieve?
I feel that I have some fundamental misunderstanding of the difference between accounts and contracts, which I'd be very grateful if someone could clarify for me.
Thank you very much!
To clarify, this is how I transfer ownership to the MultiSig contract:
await myTestContract.transferOwnership(multiSigContract.address);
await myTestContract.claimOwnership({from: multiSigContract.address});
And by the way, when I use Ownable
instead of Claimable
, i.e.:
On-Chain Code:
contract MyTestContract is Ownable {...}
Off-Chain Code:
await myTestContract.transferOwnership(multiSigContract.address);
The ownership-transfer completes successfully, and the MultiSig contract is the only one which can call the set
So the problem is essentially at:
await myTestContract.claimOwnership({from: multiSigContract.address});
can contain any value of 20 bytes you want.myTestContract.claimOwnership({from: myMultiSigContract.address})
contract test (also on OpenZeppelin's GitHub repository), this is what I'm supposed to do. Am I wrong here?