Hello I have a local blockchain, Geth client, 2 nodes and clique proof of authority algorithm.
I start geth with this command:
geth --datadir node2/ --syncmode 'full' --port 30312
--rpc --rpcport 8546 --rpccorsdomain "*"
--ipcpath geth.ipc --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner'
--bootnodes 'enode://[email protected]:30310'
--networkid 2456 --gasprice '1' --mine
--unlock '0x46004DEAfddb60d11cA04501df8C52aE4679Be8f' --password password.txt
but because of unlock now everyone can transfer ether from this account to some other account
like so:
const Web3 = require("web3");
var web3Client = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8546"));
await web3Client.eth.sendTransaction({
from: "0x46004DEAfddb60d11cA04501df8C52aE4679Be8f",
to: "0xE77e5634A46153e1cfCa02350cf212BdbC18fbC6",
value: 23
but if I remove --unlock from geth command I can no longer seal blocks
WARN [06-01|14:44:52] Block sealing failed err="authentication needed: password or unlock"
is it possible to seal blocks without having to unlock the account?