I'm attempting to install Mist (i.e. the Wallet) on a fresh Linux install (Ubuntu 14.04). I've already got it running on other machines of different platforms.

Instead of following the CLI instructions, I'm being lazy and downloading the pre-built binary from the Releases page, with the idea being that I can just run the executable and it'll create me a node. (Which is what the documentation says should happen... )

After downloading the binary and running the Ethereum-wallet executable, it's giving me the following GUI pop-up:

enter image description here

("No Ethereum node binary found!")

Running from the command line instead, I get the following output:

~/Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2$ sudo ./Ethereum-Wallet 
[2016-04-30 19:11:12.406] [INFO] main - Starting in Wallet mode
[2016-04-30 19:11:12.742] [WARN] nodeConnector - NODECONNECTOR ERROR { [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED /home/richard/.ethereum/geth.ipc]
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '/home/richard/.ethereum/geth.ipc' }
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED /home/richard/.ethereum/geth.ipc
    at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:856:11)
    at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:879:20)
    at PipeConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1063:14)
[2016-04-30 19:11:13.110] [INFO] ipcCommunicator - Backend language set to:  en
[2016-04-30 19:11:13.167] [WARN] nodeConnector - NODECONNECTOR ERROR { [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED /home/richard/.ethereum/geth.ipc]
  errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '/home/richard/.ethereum/geth.ipc' }
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED /home/richard/.ethereum/geth.ipc
    at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:856:11)
    at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:879:20)
    at PipeConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1063:14)
[2016-04-30 19:11:14.091] [INFO] main - Node type:  geth
[2016-04-30 19:11:14.092] [INFO] main - Network:  main
[2016-04-30 19:11:14.094] [INFO] ethereumNodes - Start node from /home/richard/Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2/resources/node/geth/geth
[2016-04-30 19:11:14.114] [INFO] ethereumNodes - Stopping nodes...
[2016-04-30 19:11:14.114] [INFO] ethereumNodes - Starting geth node...
[2016-04-30 19:11:14.130] [INFO] ethereumNodes - Stopping nodes...

What am I doing wrong? Was I wrong to assume the node would be set-up automatically, and that I have to do so first as a separate task?

1 Answer 1


geth is not included in the 32 bit Linux Ethereum Wallet packages (I've checked the current version 0-7-2 and 0-6-1):

user@Kumquat:~/EthereumWallet$ unzip -t Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2.zip | grep resources
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2/resources/   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2/resources/app.asar   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2/resources/atom.asar   OK

But it is included in the 64 bit Linux package:

user@Kumquat:~/EthereumWallet$ unzip -t Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2.zip | grep resources
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2/resources/   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2/resources/app.asar   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2/resources/atom.asar   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2/resources/node/   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2/resources/node/geth/   OK
    testing: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-7-2/resources/node/geth/geth   OK

It seems that geth is normally not included in the 32 bit Linux packages.

If you have a 32 bit Ubuntu Linux installation, you will have to try installing geth using (from Installation Instructions for Ubuntu - Installing from PPA):

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
# Next line only if you want the dev version
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ethereum

The ethereum package above does seem to have the 32-bit version available (see Ethereum - publishing details - it's the i386 version).

  • Sorry - I tried without sudo first and got the same output. (All console logs exactly the same.) This was a second attempt with sudo. The resources/ folder only contains 2 files: app.asar and atom.asar. I've checked the MD5 of the .zip file. The ~/.ethereum folder doesn't exist - there are no previous instances of geth running. Commented Apr 30, 2016 at 20:16
  • ...which would seem to point to the need to install geth first as a separate step. Commented Apr 30, 2016 at 20:22
  • I just checked Ethereum-Wallet-linux32-0-7-2.zip and it does not have the geth binaries included. I'm surprised. geth is included in the 64 bit linux package. Are you running on a 32 bit machine? Commented Apr 30, 2016 at 20:29
  • It's running 32-bit Ubuntu - I can't remember my reasoning, but possibly because the machine's a couple of years old (though 64-bit hardware... ). I'll chuck a 64-bit version on it and use the 64-bit EW. (Or install geth separately.) Thanks for your help! :) Commented Apr 30, 2016 at 20:38

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