I'm exploring Blocks & Transactions at the moment. I can see in the blocks there's transactions which show what addresses sent ETH and where to. However, I'm wondering how to tell if these are for different tokens. For example, how could I tell if the transaction was for ETH or for USDT? or USDC etc.
Block Example
block {
baseFeePerGas: '0x4b0ce30e8',
difficulty: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 16, c: [ 117, 57266980469439 ] },
extraData: '0x706f6f6c696e2e636f6d219fcef6b51a14a06e',
gasLimit: 29970705,
gasUsed: 10738766,
hash: '0x73254c2d0bcb9d027f40aeacf5943c8582ed53ca5a7e4019a80e0927954361f5',
logsBloom: '...',
miner: '0x2a20380dca5bc24d052acfbf79ba23e988ad0050',
mixHash: '0x05f661e39cdd515b4b66b09b77509cd5c3887b04e4f99ab923d5554462eb2f1d',
nonce: '0xfc838359a8219d77',
number: 15227722,
parentHash: '0x45b5b40422f11d0f15530dc19c0947a4fcd6a06b48cf66aeada57e72bcd0da52',
receiptsRoot: '0xf8ac4fd701bab45660c183d5374350d1a741cd1bd6881abb5361627042010e05',
sha3Uncles: '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347',
size: 33930,
stateRoot: '0x942f2b68a681b7d55e464c32dd4327aa15617ca124de16fa0000e56f5dca5809',
timestamp: 1658967825,
totalDifficulty: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 22, c: [ 550079581, 93688522278105 ] },
transactions: [
transactionsRoot: '0xc8d9c89e9b45a4f6519d6e1b6e7c64e7a65562f748aee3f51b776942898580df',
uncles: []
Transaction Example
transaction {
blockHash: '0xc0f4906fea23cf6f3cce98cb44e8e1449e455b28d684dfa9ff65426495584de6',
blockNumber: 2000000,
from: '0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88',
gas: 333333,
// gasPrice: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 10, c: [ 30000000000 ] },
hash: '0xc55e2b90168af6972193c1f86fa4d7d7b31a29c156665d15b9cd48618b5177ef',
input: '0x',
nonce: 126917,
r: '0x51222d91a379452395d0abaff981af4cfcc242f25cfaf947dea8245a477731f9',
s: '0x3a997c910b4701cca5d933fb26064ee5af7fe3236ff0ef2b58aa50b25aff8ca5',
to: '0x104994f45d9d697ca104e5704a7b77d7fec3537c',
transactionIndex: 0,
type: '0x0',
v: '0x1b',
// value: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 20, c: [ 1499900 ] }
// value: 149 9900 0000 0000 0000 00