I've read in an Article (https://www.coindesk.com/beacon-chain-contracts-a-new-way-to-deploy-dapps-on-ethereum-2-0) about the new Shards (aka beacon chain contracts) coming with Ethereum 2.0 and that every shard more or less represents its own Blockchain running within the Ethereum Ecosystem.
In other words, these beacon chain contracts would specify all the rules for computation and smart contract execution including transaction fees, associated gas costs, and more.
Also with that, it's possible to let run the Shards parallel and therefore every Shard has its own 'EVM'.
Instead of having one giant machine run transactions one at a time…we can split it up across tons of machines across the world and run them in parallel,” Jordan explained to CoinDesk.
But if the Shards are running parallel, doesn't this also mean that Miners can choose which EVM they are supporting and which not? Which might lead to the situation that complete Shards can be abandoned? Or does every miner support all shards and takes blindly transactions into his next block?