In a deployed contract (in sepolia) there is a method readTimelock(address,uint256) that returns a TimeLock, which is a struct like the following:

   struct TimeLock{
     uint160 amount,
     uint64 time,
     bool withdrawn

I would like to make a call to the contract and get that timelock using foundry cast call. I'm trying with something like:

cast call 0x243B56EDb7BD8B0Aa6fE554A4860405717b8CC4a "readTimeLock(address,uint256)(uint160,uint64,bool)" 0x37aFaa6c1B0cD3c92DE24C09451FD046fA7CbfC3 0 --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_URL

The error I get is the following:

(code: -32000, message: execution reverted, data: None)

Unfortunately, in the documentation nothing is said about function returning structs. Thanks. https://book.getfoundry.sh/reference/cast/cast-call

Other errors I get trying different compositions is simply "Invalid data"

2 Answers 2



My apologies, it turns out that the syntax call in the question was actually correct. I misspelled the function readTimeLock() which should have been instead of readTimelock().

I guess the lesson here is that when cast throws the error:

 (code: -32000, message: execution reverted, data: None)

it indicates that the method is not part of the code deployed at that contract address, so either a wrong address, a wrong network, or a misspelling of the function.

Anyways, this is the right call:

cast call 0x243B56EDb7BD8B0Aa6fE554A4860405717b8CC4a --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL "readTimelock(address,uint256)(uint160,uint64,bool)" 0x37aFaa6c1B0cD3c92DE24C09451FD046fA7CbfC3 0

which returns three values corresponding to (uint160,uint64,bool):


You can see an example of working with a struct or custom type here in the foundry abi-encode method.


cast abi-encode "someFunc((string,uint256))" "(myString,1)"

For your TimeLock example:

struct TimeLock{
    uint160 amount,
    uint64 time,
    bool withdrawn
cast call 0x243B56EDb7BD8B0Aa6fE554A4860405717b8CC4a "readTimeLock(address,uint256,(uint160,uint64,bool))" 0x37aFaa6c1B0cD3c92DE24C09451FD046fA7CbfC3 0 "(the_uint160,the_uint64,the_bool)" --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_URL
  • Thanks for taking the time, Patrick. However, my issue is not how to call with a struct as input argument, but how to parse (or decode) an output struct. The function from the question returns a struct, and when I try to call the readTimelock method I get errors like "Invalid data". Commented May 18, 2023 at 18:01
  • So are you all set? I'm not sure I follow your current answer. If this is your new question, could you either edit your original question or create a new one and link it here? Happy to help with a newly formatted question or if you edit the current one. Commented May 19, 2023 at 12:24
  • I am all set, thanks! I will update the answer so that it is less vague Commented May 21, 2023 at 18:02

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