Hey everyone
I'm using foundry for solidity development and I have some issues with using mappings and structs in my tests.
here are my problems:
Problem 1
the problem :
the function below lets users list their tokens for sale but when I want to test them, I get this error on assert(eProp.tokenIdToIsListed[0]) :
Indexed expression has to be a type, mapping or array (is function (uint256) view external returns (bool))
the function :
mapping(uint256 => bool) public tokenIdToIsListed;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public tokenIdToPrice;
function listTokenForSale(
uint256 tokenId,
uint256 price
) public onlyTokenOwner(tokenId) {
if (!_exists(tokenId)) {
revert wrongTokenIdEnterd();
tokenIdToIsListed[tokenId] = true;
tokenIdToPrice[tokenId] = price;
the test :
function testListTokenForSale() public {
eProp.mintProp(USER, 44, 65, 1, 1, 0);
uint256 sellPrice = 1 ether;
eProp.listTokenForSale(0, sellPrice);
eProp.listTokenForSale(2, sellPrice);
assert(eProp.tokenIdToPrice[0] == sellPrice);
Problem 2
the problem :
the function below lets users make an offer and saves and pushes the offer in an array of offers in a private mapping. the other function lets the owner of tokens get the offers for their token.in this case, for testing these functions I need to get the offer object in my test.
I tried the library solution and made a library having my offer struct in it and then imported the library in my test file and it worked but in this case, I have to use the library for my whole contract and it feels not okay to me.
isn't there any other way to test my structs in Foundry?
the functions :
mapping(uint256 => Offer[]) private tokenIdToOffers;
function makeOffer(uint256 tokenId, uint256 offeredPrice) public {
if (!_exists(tokenId) || ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender) {
revert wrongTokenIdEnterd();
if (tokenIdToHighestBid[tokenId] != 0 || tokenIdToIsListed[tokenId]) {
revert tokenAlreadyInSaleOrAuction();
Offer memory offer = Offer(msg.sender, offeredPrice);
function getOffers(
uint256 tokenId
) external view onlyTokenOwner(tokenId) returns (Offer[] memory) {
return tokenIdToOffers[tokenId];
the test :
function testMakeOffer() public {
eProp.mintProp(USER, 44, 65, 1, 1, 0);
eProp.makeOffer(0, 1 ether);
eProp.Offer[] memory offers = eProp.getOffers(0);
assert(offers[0].sender == USER2);
assert(offers[0].offerdAmount == 1 ether);