My question is what are the limitations of one contract using another contract ?
When I'm using another contract as shown below, What is the another contract storing ? e.g: If contract B calls contract A's function like the example below. i) Is contract A storing the reference that Contract B called it ? or Is it vice versa or that is like a one time call? ii) Ok, After I have called the Contract A's function from Contract B, Can I check the transaction that was made by contract b, Like e.g: Contract B called a payable function of Contract A and I want to see that transaction, So I call another function of A that views(gets) me that transaction's data, Is that possible ?
Contract A{/*Some code*/
function myFunc()internal view returns(bool){/*Some Code*/}
Contract B{
function someFunc(address AContractsAddress)internal payable {
bool check = A(AContractsAddress).myfunc();