I am trying to deploy a smart contract from Remix using the following settings:
compiler: 0.8.0
EVM version: compiler default
Environment: injected Web3 (metamask connected to hardwarewallet, main (1) network)
Gas limit: 8000000
value: 0
When I click deploy I get the following error:
Invalid transaction params: params specify an EIP-1559 transaction but the current network does not support EIP-1559
I can neither find any information on what causes this error nor how to solve it - any suggestions? Thanks!
Edit: This seems to be the reason (from the metamask webpage):
How does EIP-1559 work with Trezor/Ledger integration on MetaMask? Trezor and Ledger do not yet support EIP-1559 so MetaMask will fall back to pre EIP-1559 gas controls.
If I change my account in Metamask to a wallet without ledger/trezor I don't get the error.