I am trying to deploy my contract using geth on my private network. When i use truffle mirate --reset shows that is has been deployed but the metamask gives me an error( ALERT: Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code metamask). So i am using this command eth.getTransactionReceipt with the transaction hash to see if it's ok but the transactionIndex = 0. I read that if transactionIndex = 0 the contract is not deployed. Right? Can you help? I tried to deployed in remix with the provider of my netowrk and it gives me this error (gas required exceeds allowance (8000000) or always failing transaction)

Below i have the contract code.

    pragma solidity ^0.5.8;

contract Creation  {

    struct hero  {
        string name;
        int life;
        int lvl;
        int xp;
        int attack;
        int winCount;
        int trophies;
        int lossCount;
    hero[] public heroes; 

    struct enemy {  
        string name;
        int life;
        int lvl;
        int xp;
        int attack;

    int basiclife=50;

    enemy[] public enemies;

  mapping (uint => address) public herotoowner;
  mapping (address => uint) public  heroCount;

  mapping (uint => address) public monstertoowner;
  uint public monsterCount; 

    function createhero(string memory _name) payable public  { 
     require(heroCount[msg.sender] == 0);
       uint id= heroes.push(hero(_name,basiclife,1,0,20,0,0,0))-1; 
       herotoowner[id] = msg.sender;

     function enemyRage(int _herolvl) public  { 
       uint id=enemies.push(enemy("Rage",20*_herolvl,_herolvl,7*_herolvl,5*_herolvl))-1;
       monstertoowner[id] = msg.sender;


    function enemyDerpina(int _herolvl) public  { 
       uint id=enemies.push(enemy("Derpina",40*_herolvl,_herolvl,14*_herolvl,10*_herolvl))-1; 
       monstertoowner[id] = msg.sender;


       function getHerosByOwner(address owner) external view returns( uint ) { 
        uint result =3;
        for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
              if (herotoowner[i] == owner) {
                result = i;
        return result;
        function getmonstersByOwner(address owner) external view returns( uint ) { 
        uint result =0;
        for (uint i = enemies.length ; i > 0 ; i--) {
              if (monstertoowner[i] == owner) {
                result = i;
        return result;

        uint nonce=0;

   function randNum(int _num) private   returns(int) {  //sinartisi gia tixaies times
    int randomnumber = int(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, msg.sender, nonce))) % _num;
    if (randomnumber <=0) {
    return randomnumber;

    function attack_hero(uint _heroid, uint _monsterid, int _num  ) external  { 

      hero storage myhero = heroes[_heroid];
      enemy storage monster = enemies[_monsterid];
      int attackofhero=0;
      if(_num==0) { 
      monster.life=monster.life - attackofhero;

      int attackofmonster=randNum(monster.attack);
      myhero.life=myhero.life - attackofmonster;

      if (monster.life <= 0 && myhero.life >0) { 

        if (randNum(100) > 50 ){ 

      if (myhero.xp>=10+2*myhero.lvl){ 
          myhero.xp=0; //reset you xp
      if (myhero.life <= 0 ) { //ita 


    function resurrection(uint _heroid) public { 
         hero storage myhero = heroes[_heroid];

  • What is in your genesis file? What version of truffle are you using? What do you do in you migration script? You use the status field in the receipt to check if a transaction was successful.
    – Ismael
    Commented Jul 3, 2019 at 17:44

1 Answer 1


Maybe you need to convert code to bytecode.

  • How i do that . I am new here
    – Panos Kor
    Commented Jul 3, 2019 at 13:17

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