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n1cK's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
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How to include the named of the called contract in Event Log

0 votes

Pre populating an Ethereum contract with digital assets

0 votes

How can I get a list of of transaction data which are sent to a specific contract?

0 votes

passing defaultBlock "pending" param to a truffle-contract call

0 votes

"Cannot retrieve ENS addresses unless fully synced on main chain" message

0 votes

Sending a transaction to the smart contract and execute its method

0 votes

Can you pass an array parameter to a contract function during truffle migrate?

0 votes

what is context deadline exceeded?

0 votes

Can an ABI file be made from separate json files by stripping out information?

0 votes

Send a transaction with Meteor in the JS file without click "submit" in metamask

0 votes

use web3js and infura deploy contract

0 votes

how get to nonce that need to send in ethereum transaction?

0 votes

how to call constructor with arguments in REMIX (Solidity IDE ) from web3

-1 votes

input argument in remix of a value sub 1

-1 votes

parity - Computer wiped clean. How to bring parity back with my coins?

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