About bitwise in circom
From the Cirom docs:
The shift operations also work modulo p and are defined as follows
(assuming p>=7).
For all k with 0=< k <= p/2 (integer division) we have that
x >> k = x/(2**k)
Why do we use circom circuit in zero knowledge?
Good question!
I think the main reason is that the underlying framework of ZK systems is somewhat different. For example, integers in ZK are field elements instead of regular integers. They behave ...
How to implement Poseidon hash function into a smart contract
If you are using circom for writing your ZKP circuits, you can generate the contract using this script from circomlibjs: https://github.com/iden3/circomlibjs/blob/main/src/poseidon_gencontract.js
This ...
Why use circom circuits to generate solidity contracts, instead of directly writing the contract?
There are two pieces in any ZK system: a prover and (at least one) verifier.
The prover's job is to take in all the inputs, verify certain stuff based on them and generate a proof that the input is ...
circom error in zk-rollup circuit: circom error: circuit too big for this power of tau ceremony. 6600*2 > 2**12
i just met this bug, you have to change the pot key to expand limit of constraints (2^12 in your case). the command that i use to create pot is below:
snarkjs powersoftau new bn128 14 pot12_0000.ptau -...
bn.inherits is not a function in snarkjs
I just got this error using the latest snarkjs.min.js from github/iden3
I had an older file from early 2023 and it works find with no error. I suggest downloading a file from the git history.
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