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Can you tell me, why addLiquidityETH is not working?

Can you tell me, why addLiquidityETH is not working? I'm trying to call her through etherscan. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/...
user125862's user avatar
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UniswapV2 addLiquidityETH revert ds-math-sub-underflow

I tried this code for many contracts, and sending ETH and approving were done well, but on the addliquidityETH section, I get an error: reverted with 'ds-math-sub-underflow'. I can't understand why. ...
upme24's user avatar
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Questioning about the _safeTransfer in the swap function of the UniswapV2 pair contract

I have a question about the _safeTransfer function in the swap function down below. if (amount0Out > 0) _safeTransfer(_token0, to, amount0Out); // optimistically transfer tokens if (amount1Out &...
DHC's user avatar
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While deploying contract i got Warning: Contract code size exceeds 24576 bytes

I'm trying to deploy UniswapV2Router02 but i got error Contract code size exceeds 24576 bytes. How do I proceed with optimization? Now i'm using remix and current compiler is 0.6.6 pragma solidity =0....
Hunter Joe's user avatar
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ERC20 token with a uniswapV2 router address initialized in the constructor. I also have method to change the router address. but confused

I'm working on ERC20 token with a uniswapV2 router address initialized in the constructor. I also have method to change the router address. but I'm confused because when i create the new Pair with a ...
Hamza Shafeeq's user avatar
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pancakeswap v2 flash loan arbitrage real output amount is not as expected

when i monitor a profitable trade. The difference in profit calculated by my own method and the result of getAmoutsOut is not significant. Before sending the transaction, I would use the getAmoutsOut ...
DOGGODCoder's user avatar
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How will liquidity be affected if I call ERC20 transfer() directly on a pair in Uniswap V2?

If I transfer() one of the paired X or Y tokens, or a completely unrelated Z token, to the address of an X/Y pair contract developed on UniswapV2, won't the liquidity of the pool change? (It seems ...
Harriger's user avatar
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Require WETH liquidity on uniswap v2 pair to be min 1 ETH to trade

I want to launch a token with a significant part of the supply being airdropped (no vesting). I'd like to implement a requirement so that airdropped holders won't sell into initial liquidity (1 ETH). ...
soliditynoob's user avatar
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UniswapV2's equivalent of getPair and other functions

i see uniswapv3 quoter or factory or router contracts doesn't have getPair, getReserve and other similar ABI functions like UniswapV2. does UniswapV3 have Equivalent for this functions? or did they ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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Uniswap V2 Transfer Tax Math

The normal question to get the amount of token received when doing a Uniswap V2 swap is amount_out = 0.997 * amount_in * reserves_out / (reserves_in + 0.997 * amount_in) I want to adjust this equation ...
galpo's user avatar
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Help me make sense of this seeminlgly simple Uniswap V2 transaction, please This appears like a vanilla UniswapV2Router02 swap, sending the well-known method ...
blitter's user avatar
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Use the swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens method of uniswap routerV2 to purchase uniswap V3pair tokens

const buyToken = async (account: any, tokenContract: any, gasLimit: any, gasPrice: any) => { let amountOutMin = 0; const amountIn = ethers.utils.parseUnits(useBuy.value.toString(), 'ether'); ...
lawrence Alan's user avatar
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Can someone tell me you to pass an array argument to external function in assembly/yul?

So far I have tried this: function swapEthForToken( address router, uint256 minAmount, address _tokenIn, address _tokenOut ) public payable { assembly { ...
Mehul Singh Rathore's user avatar
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How can I get all tokens listed on `Sushiswap`

How can I get all tokens listed on Sushiswap. For uniswap we can call factory.getTokenWithId(id) with the token id. But how can we do the same for Sushiswap ?
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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"Error: Invalid Argument in getAmountsOut Function Call."

// Get Provider const providers = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://"); // Get Velodrome V1 Router const routerABI = [ "function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, ...
Mochi Vani's user avatar
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How a price of a token is being calculated on uniswap & other dexes?

I have just started learning about Uniswap. I have a question, How a price of a token is calculated? I know the x*y = k which defines the price of 2 assets from a pool but how the value of a single ...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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error Dai/insufficient-allowance even when sufficient amount has been approved

I am testing smart contract interaction with on hardhat mainnet fork. However i always got this error Error: VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with reason string 'Dai/...
Haziq Raz's user avatar
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Finding IUniswapV2Callee in UniswapV2 clones for flashloans

In similar fashion to this question specific to PancakeSwap For many UniswapV2 clones, I want to find the part of the code which is replicating IUniswapV2Callee interface, so that I can use it in a ...
miskin's user avatar
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Abi encode / decode mystery additional 32 byte field Uniswap v2

When I encode my abi data in web3js or for a uni v2 trade I get the following: 0x 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0 ...
Nat's user avatar
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Contract Address for Swap Router for Goerli ARB

Does anyone know an address or sanple address for Swap Router in Goerli Arbitrum Testnet Network? Like this sample in mumbai
Lloyd Ramos's user avatar
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How to estimate input amount for sushiswap?

For estimation of input amount of tokens while calling quoteExactOutputSingle I use following for uni v2 const pair = await Fetcher.fetchPairData(tokenFrom, tokenTo, provider); const route = new ...
Serhii Nikitin's user avatar
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Combining getAmountsIn() and swapTokensForExactTokens() in UniswapV2Router: Can I Achieve Accurate Token Swap Without Slippage?

Can I perform the following functions using UniswapV2Router at once? Theoretically, as far as I know, if I call both getAmountsIn() and swapTokensForExactTokens() within a single function, both logics ...
Harriger's user avatar
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What is the UniswapV2Factory address on the Sepolia network

Does anyone know what's the factory address of UniswapV2 in sepolia? Thanks
Harsh Gupta's user avatar
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Why am I getting different quotes, at the same time, between uniswap website and the router v2 contract?

If I run the queries at the same time, I would expect very approximate results, if not the exact same, but that's not what I get between the Uniswap's website and the Router V2 contract as you can see ...
Pedro D.'s user avatar
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Is there any significant advantage that UniswapV3 has over UniswapV2 in a Flashloan(or Flashswap) scenario?

I have been following the flash loan market for a while and I want to eventually experiment on it but i am having a hard time choosing between UniswapV2 and uniswapV3 for making my swaps. Is there any ...
Shigaba Shigaba's user avatar
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Uniswap: get token price for USDC in solidity

I try to create a function in Solidity which returns the amount of a ERC20 token for a set amount of USDC. For that I go through the following steps: Get the address of the pair. address pairAddress =...
rajohs's user avatar
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Uniswap V2 Router, Factory on Sepolia Test Network

Is it possible to use a Uniswap V2 router in Sepolia? what is the contract address of a router? What I got is only for the Goerli test network, and it is already an obsolete network, and you have to ...
querylab's user avatar
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Transaction fails on Etherscan but succeeds on Tenderly, why is that?

So I have made a Uniswap V2 Fork and deployed it successfully, added liquidity etc everything successfully, all on Goerli. But when I am working on my frontend for my main Swap Component(in ReactJS), ...
CheeseMcBurger's user avatar
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How to know the exact AMM implementation for a liquidity pool?

Is every liquidity pool which uses Uniswap V2 using the exact same AMM implementation? i.e. for 2 different liquidity pools, if I know the amount of liquidity (ratio of tokenA and tokenB) in the pool ...
Sergio Gliesh's user avatar
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Uniswap router v2 pairing

I'm writing a token contract, and I'm wondering how pairing works precisely. I want to pair my token A with custom token B. I will add liquidity with x amount of token A and y amount of token B to ...
JohnDoeMighty's user avatar
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How is Uniswap's way of calling the balanceOf function of an ERC20 gas optimized?

What is the redundant extcodesize check and returndatasize check that is mentioned here? /// @dev This function is gas optimized to avoid a redundant extcodesize check in addition to the ...
Maanas O T's user avatar
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Can’t remove liquidity on uniswap [closed]

I’m having issue removing my lp from uniswap 0xbeF4fB0BE483c74667aB6Fb5f3C1fCdc7b4eC073 Please help check the contract out
dwanloaded tv's user avatar
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Swapping token function in Uniswap V2 failed

I am trying to swap multiple tokens to Weth but this transaction gets failed with an error Fail with error TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED function swapToWeth( address[] calldata tokens, ...
1 vote
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My createTokenPair function isnt working when I call it from my frontend please help

Hello, I`ve forked Uniswap V2 perfectly fine on the backend and now I want to connect it to my frontend. I have built a basic webpage and I am now doing the frontend. When calling the createPair ...
CheeseMcBurger's user avatar
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Is profitable direct arbitrage impossible with getAmountsOut?

I’ve run the math on a uniswap v2 arbitrage trade that looks more or less like this: 1) Buy X amount of token1 with Y amount of token0 on Uniswap 2) Sell equivalent amount of token1 in exchange for ...
Trent Kennelly's user avatar
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Support FACTORY_ADDRESS and INIT_CODE_HASH in different forks of UniswapV2

I'm trying to parse transactions of different UniswapV2 like DEXes and have problems adding new forks of UniswapV2 to my project, such as SushiSwap, etc. I'm using @uniswap/v2-sdk for transactions of ...
Vlad's user avatar
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I want to fetch live Feed's From Dex's like Uniswap sushi and pancake

I'm working on a project where we need to get prices from 3 to 4 dex on the Ethereum chain and the Solana chain. What is the best way to get a live feed from Ethereum dex? I want to fetch the live ...
Anwar's user avatar
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What is the use case of deadline in Uniswap's Router02?

The UniswapV2 Router02 performs a deadline check for adding/removing liquidity and swaps. modifier ensure(uint deadline) { require(deadline >= block.timestamp, 'UniswapV2Router: EXPIRED'); ...
Maanas O T's user avatar
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How to store dynamic bytes in memory in solidity inline assembly?

this is my code to test transferring some tokens to the target address, which functions well. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.0; import "./interface/IERC20.sol"; ...
Yuhua Wei's user avatar
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Uniswap V2 getAmountOut arbitrage calculation

I'm trying to learn more about arbitrage bots and it seems I'm stuck on profit calculation. Lets say I have two different routers - Uniswap V2 and Sushiswap To calculate possible arbitrage I use ...
yanko's user avatar
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DEX Real-Time Data

I have a project that tries to retrieve real time data from UnisWap V2 and SushiSwap I have already figured out how to get real time data from Sushi using api but it's not the same for Uniswap API ...
Said's user avatar
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Manipulating Uniswap V2's pair totalSupply via flash loan

Let's assume that I'm writing a UniswapV2 LP token price oracle. Would it be a bad idea to rely on the LP token totalSupply for my calculation? Would it be possible to manipulate its value through a ...
Ahmed Ihsan Tawfeeq's user avatar