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How can I invoke an approve() function call from the user and not the contract?

I am working on a basic staking platform for practice. I understand that the user of the platform has to call the approve() function and pass the contract into it in order for the contract to use the ...
user68609's user avatar
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Call function from deployed contract

I have a deployed contract (contract A) which should act as a storage (let's say 0xD7ACd2a9FD159E69Bb102A1ca21C9a3e3A5F771B). Now from my ERC20 Token contract (contract B), I am calling approve to the ...
4NDR34's user avatar
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Is it possible to transfer token from other address if I have private key from it?

I know that if someone owns tokens he can simply call transfer method of contract to send money. I also know that for ERC20 contract owner of tokens can call approve for my account, and then I can ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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