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2 votes
2 answers

How can I invoke an approve() function call from the user and not the contract?

I am working on a basic staking platform for practice. I understand that the user of the platform has to call the approve() function and pass the contract into it in order for the contract to use the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Call function from deployed contract

I have a deployed contract (contract A) which should act as a storage (let's say 0xD7ACd2a9FD159E69Bb102A1ca21C9a3e3A5F771B). Now from my ERC20 Token contract (contract B), I am calling approve to the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to transfer token from other address if I have private key from it?

I know that if someone owns tokens he can simply call transfer method of contract to send money. I also know that for ERC20 contract owner of tokens can call approve for my account, and then I can ...