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Transaction on Uniswap -- how to find out what pair is being swapped (via web3.js)?

Given a transaction on Uniswap, how to find out what pair is being swapped, and the amount of it? Namely, via web3.js/ethers.js Is there relevant and sufficient information in the fields of a ...
Johny's user avatar
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Are the tx signed then RLP encoded then hashed to be transmitted to the blockchain for miners to mine?

Using the discussion of this link: It seems obvious that before the transaction is transmitted over the blockchain for miners to mine, the ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Batch generating raw transactions nonce problem [duplicate]

I'd like to batch generate a large number of transactions for one account and sign them in a more secure environment. Ideally I would create a queue of unsigned transactions (here in my understanding ...
jeff's user avatar
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Raw transaction hex from etherscan?

Anyway to get the raw Hex of a transaction from etherscan? I know in Bitcoin you can do this on blockchain info with ?format=hex I want to rebroadcast a tx when it gets dropped from the mempool
CRreek's user avatar
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Some transactions are missing receipt

I am inspecting a strange case. I am monitoring Ropsten network for my project and writing all transactions to database to search them though in much more convenient way. Every couple of minutes I ...
Max's user avatar
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Lost ETH sent from Bitstamp [closed]

I sent 3.99 eth to address 0x2cd41e1ba0bb66d3c05eaf8ee031e0c1f8866183 This address was provided by This is what I see from them now: "Internal Transactions Please note we do not ...
Ricardo Morales's user avatar