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2 votes
3 answers

Why is my transaction not performing?

I wrote the following script to send Ether. I can't figure out why the balance is still the same after I send out the Ether. I re run this script multiple times but nothing changes with the balance. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Golang binding - call contract method and get its return value or tuple?

Suppose i have contract like: pragma solidity ^0.4.11; contract MyToken { uint256 a; function SimpleGetter() returns(string) { return "something"; } function DoTheGreat(address _to) ...
3 votes
0 answers

how to send transaction with geth running in light mode on testnet

I am having troubles to sendTransaction with geth running in light mode. Startup: geth --testnet --syncmode "light" --rpc --rpcport 10001 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr --datadir /opt/...
6 votes
2 answers

Transaction logged at geth node, but unable to locate Transaction entry on Ropsten

When sending new transactions one at a time (meaning separated by 1 or several minutes in time) they are correctly broadcasted and mined. But when sending several of them one after another (spearated ...
1 vote
0 answers

how to see all old commited transactions of a node in geth

I created a ethereum node using geth and I made certain number of transactions. All the transactions are mined and showing the correct balance. How can I see all my old transactions? Also I did ...
1 vote
1 answer

My transactions are kind of stuck!

I have sent this transaction to testnet through json-rpc with my geth node using eth_sendTransaction method and the following parameters: "from": "0x3b877e80b5c0b29d88f3768ed4292b35fdd93a9d", "to": "...
5 votes
1 answer

Testnet tx reappears after 90 blocks

At some point, the local Geth node reported tx 2e7a57c55a7cb28d0e233d7745210dba93c09f14c5df4e879db1a530a79a842a in the block 1369316 on testnet. It then disappeared from the chain at some point during ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to track a missing transaction on private testnet?

I'm having trouble getting a couple test transactions to show up in the destination account balance. Code is below. Appreciate someone pointing out whatever move I've made... Running geth as: geth --...