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2 answers

Can I determine balance change of a swap via receipt data?

tl;dr: If I execute a swap transaction between two tokens (native or ERC-20 on either side) that is subject to fees/slippage, is there a deterministic way to tell how much the user received from that ...
Brent Traut's user avatar
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Accounts not getting the balance right

I'm trying to get the balance of a set of accounts using Parity RPC and web3.eth.getBalance. The problem is that, some accounts are returning 0 even though they have balance. For instance: https://...
mdlapla's user avatar
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self-hosted solutions to get account balance

What are the most common solutions self hosted solutions to get the balance of an account with a python script? I know that there are RPC nodes or are there other solutions? Maybe solutions that use ...
RDude's user avatar
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How to get balances of all the accounts(~1000) in Geth node?

How can I get the balance of all the accounts in my Go Ethereum node? I have about 1000 accounts and it is too slow to use eth_getBalance to get balance for each address. Are there any ways to use ...
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Geth modes for address balance

After some research I saw that there are several types of synchronizations for the geth client: full sync, fast sync and light sync. If I want juste check the balance of an address what is the ...
RDude's user avatar
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